Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

We both giggled like school children as we ran up the stairs and through Neverland's hallways.

We got to our bedrooms, "I'm just gonna go get dry and changed, is that okay with you?" he asked, kissing me softly on my lips.

"No, definitely not. I want you wet forever!" I joked, "Nah yeah its fine, Mike, I'm gonna do the same." I grinned as I played with a lonesome, damp curl of his.

He chuckled at me, "Well, if you want to hang out in my room for a little while, you can just come in when you're ready?"

"It would be a great honour, Mr Jackson." I bowed my head and winked at him before going into my room and closing my door, I heard his giggle outside before I heard him shut his door too.

I showered quickly, leaving my hair to air dry, I put on some pale blue pyjamas and didn't bother with makeup either, he had to get used to my natural face sooner or later...even if I was uncomfortable with it most of the time.

I mooched around my room for a few seconds before the fedora that Michael had given to me to look after, the first time I ever met him, caught my eye. It was lying on top of the large chest of drawers, the typical black fedora trademark he had going on. I picked it up and stroked it, turning it over, inside it had 'Michael Jackson' engraved in gold lettering.

"Look after it for me, give it me back the next time I see you...because I will be seeing you again..." were the words he had said to me the day he had to leave. And I with him for a month...he was now my boyfriend...I had met his family and become firm friends with life had changed in all the ways I couldn't have imagined and it was all because of him.

I ran my finger over the rim of the hat, in all honesty...I didn't want to give it back...but it was his property, not mine...

I clutched the hat against my chest...I should give it back.

A pang of sadness rippled through me, I didn't want to give this hat back! I was being silly, I didn't need it...

I opened the secret door quietly and slowly. I peered in and couldn't see him anywhere, I figured he was in the bathroom so I waited in his room until I caught a glimpse of him.

"Up here gurl!"

I jumped, I had heard his voice yet I couldn't see him anywhere!

"Up...where?" I asked the empty room. I heard his chuckle.

"Up here!" He laughed. I looked up to his beaming face looming high above me as he leaned over which looked to be an indoor balcony, of course. His room had a second floor! I climbed the spiral staircase that lead up to this rather majestic looking second floor. I looked around, to my right was a huge book case that filled the entire wall! To my left was the 'balcony' that looked over the ground floor of his room, straight in front was an enormous window which looked out across the west side of Neverland. In the middle was a massive bohemian looking rug, a large wooden table on top of it and old fashioned green leather sofas at each side.

"Care to join me, My Lady?" His voice crooned as he approached me slowly.

His curls a little more wilder now as he had also let his hair air dry, his face was makeup free, the lack of eyeliner made his eyes appear smaller, but none the less they were still radiant and beautiful...he was perfect without makeup, I just wish he'd accept that.

I grinned at him and took his awaiting open hand. He lead me over to one of the sofas, he sat down on the one opposite at the other side of the table.

"Champagne?" He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows as he produced a bottle and two tall glasses from the floor.

"Are we celebrating something?" I grinned, matching his cheeky tone.

He chuckled, as he poured me a glass of the bubbly substance and handed it to me, "We can celebrate something if you want to..."

I placed the fedora on the sofa next to me as I took the glass from him. I started to giggle as I thought of something to toast, I raised the glass and he raised his, "To us...and you. The one who says he never drinks..."

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