Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O:V.

The journey back to Neverland was mostly silent, apart from the couple of times Ray tried to make conversation and Mike tried to ask me what was wrong, before I shrugged him an answer and the silence took over once more.

We sat close, I loved the closeness but right now I felt like I wanted to curl up in a ball and be on my own.

The events of last night spinning around and around in my head like a scratched record that kept skipping on the turntable.

I could have really scared him and made him do stuff he didn't want to. I know that I didn't, because I stopped before anything actually happened. But what if I had one more drink? Would I have stopped or carried on? It was a cheap and cowardly move to get what I wanted from him and I was embarrassed I did it. I knew he thought less of me right now.

He was quiet too, maybe it was just a silent argument we were having because we both felt like last night was wrong? Maybe he just felt like shit, hungover because I made him drink too much. Either way, neither outcome was good.

I was beyond relieved when we reached the Neverland gates. The paparazzi banging on the limo doors and windows didn't even phase me, I just looked down at the floor rather than make the effort to hide my face.

As the limo rolled up in front of the Neverland Mansion I was eager to get out of the vehicle and outside for a walk. The warm sun beat down on me as I waited for Ray to hand me my suitcase. I thanked him and took myself off inside to unpack as quickly as possible and run off for a while, not bothering to wait for Michael.

I burst through the front door and immediately heard Cheryl singing along to the radio in the kitchen.

"Hey, Cheryl..." I called as I passed and began to climb the stairs.

"Oh hey there, Grace! Didn't expect you two back until tomorrow! Did you have a good time?!" She called back.

Another stab to the heart, Mike really did plan to stay another night.

"Yeah..." was all I could answer.

Power walking to my bedroom, I heaved my case on to my bed and packed away my clothes quickly, pausing for a few seconds as I found the lingerie that I had packed and planned to wear in bed with Mike last night. I grabbed my sunglasses, my phone and my headphones. Dashing back through the house I slowed on the stairs as I heard Mike and Cheryl whisper shouting at each other.

"I don't know what's wrong with her, Cheryl!" Said Mike.

"Well you better damn find out boy!" Cheryl whispered back.

I swallowed hard before leaving through the front door and taking myself off. Almost instantly the hot sun calmed me, I slipped on my sunglasses and walked quickly across the main grassy part, I didn't want Mike to have seen me and catch me up. Once I was out of sight of the house my pace slowed and I pulled out my headphones, plugging them into my phone and turning on some music.

One of Michaels songs began to play. 'She's Out Of My Life.'

It made me smile, knowing that the genius behind these songs was my boyfriend. But the song in particular pulled at the heart strings a little.
I had really messed up. Getting him drunk and all. It made me wonder what I would do if he broke things off with me.

I changed the song, 'Workin' Day And Night' came on now. Even this song made me think, the way he said he had to work when we got back here, it hurt a little, I don't know why, I guess I was being a little selfish, since I've been here he's spent every moment with me, he probably genuinely has to work and it's not just to avoid me. It made me think about the past times that actually were not so long ago, where I was nothing but a huge fan of his who just so happened to have a massive crush on him. Now I'm at his house. Now I'm his girlfriend.

I forget sometimes just who he is, he's Michael Jackson. THE Michael Jackson. I forget about that. I forget about his fame, his fortune, his singing and performing career. To me he's just a man now, a normal human, I still get in somewhat of a state of shock when I think about how huge he is, because to me he's just the man I love now. A normal guy.

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