Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Michael's P.O.V.
I found it hard not to stare. She was very nearly naked in front of me, nothing but a pair of white panties left on her body. I felt so extremely lucky that she trusted me enough to reveal herself to me. And I was honoured that she let me look, she was astoundingly beautiful.

Admittedly, I had been secretly wanting to see her breasts. But she read me like a book and knew what I wished for. Now all I wanted to do was touch them, but I was getting hotter and more nervous now that she had just let me see them. And my, were they perfect.

I'd never seen more of a woman before and for Grace to be the first woman I see naked was truly a blessing.

I wanted to kiss her, touch her, caress her. But I knew to take it slow, I had to keep reminding myself that she too hadn't been in this situation before.
This was also a first for her. It seemed my masculinity and testosterone was threatening to overtake my innocence and nervousness as confidence within myself was growing.

I flipped us over so that I was on top now, the duvet over me and my face over hers, I peeked down at her chest again and admired the perfection.

I felt her hand creep over to mine and lift it up, letting me take my weight on only one hand, she uncurled my fingers and hovered my hand over one of her breasts and started to lower it towards it.

I flinched a little and she stopped before my hand made contact with her, I relaxed as soon as she reached up and put her lips onto mine, I kissed her back eagerly, she tasted delicious and I was addicted to her kiss, I was so endorsed in the aura of our kiss that I didn't realise she still had hold of my hand...until I felt it on her breast, her hand moved on top of mine, making me squeeze it...

I unintentionally groaned pretty loudly at the feel, my eyes snapped open and hers were already looking into mine with a devilish tinge.

It felt amazing.

Graces's P.O.V.
I thought my heart was about to beat out of my chest. I couldn't believe he had actually let me do that. Let me guide his hand and allowed himself to touch me. I could see the fright in his eyes when he realised what I was doing but it soon turned to seduction.

My own actions had surprised me, actually. I never thought I would initiate anything like that with a man until I'd been sexually active with them for a while, but obviously I was craving his touch. Yearning for his flesh to touch mine. I had briefly encountered touching him a little but I was feeling greedy, I wanted a turn.

But I think he appreciated it as when I placed my hand on top of his and made him squeeze a little, he let out the most sexy of groans. One that sent a tingle down my spine. One that just made me want him even more.

I'd been so focused on wanting to please him that I had pushed my wants aside...but I also wanted to be pleased.

His firm hand on my breast felt amazing. Whether or not it was because the last person I had encountered anything with was Jason, and that was years ago and unpleasant ...or whether it was because I was in need and was incredibly turned on...or even the fact that it was Michael Jackson, of all people to have their hand grabbing my boob that made it feel even better. But it was bliss.

I sighed in satisfaction as my eyes drifted closed, allowing me to fully focus on this sensation. But I soon got inpatient again. And I knew what I wanted my next move to be. I removed his hand and flipped us over again. I still wanted to peek at him in his boxers but the duvet was over us now hiding almost everything, which I didn't appreciate. I had already felt but I wanted to see.

I took his hands, intertwined his fingers with mine and held them above his head on the pillow. His gaze ran from my chest all the way up to my eyes. I started to lower my ass, not onto his thighs this time, but his fully erect crotch.

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