Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.
Obeying his orders I took the scarf from him, wrapping it around my neck part way and then using the rest of it to conceal the lower half of my face. I ran my fingers through my tied up hair, loosening my fringe until it fell free, hiding my eyes...I was getting kinda used to this whole 'hide your face' thing.

I looked through my jet black fringe and caught Michael also hiding his face with a scarf, then putting on a baseball cap. He shuffled closer and reached across me, his hand ready at the door handle. He peered through the black tainted glass of the limo but as I looked too, the street seemed to be pretty empty.

"You ready? Things look pretty clear..." Mike said in a hushed tone.

I nodded as he opened the limo door and bustled me out, he followed and shut the door, the limo began to drive away. I felt Michael reach for my hand, "Stay close..." he whispered.

I took his hand and looked around, there was literally nobody about in the street, we didn't seem to be in a city...more of a town, a little one, a very quiet one. It wasn't a miraculous sighting, like we were in a back street or something, there was a big tower block that we were stood at the base of...a few shops that looked to be run down or abandoned...and an old playing field, where grass probably once lusciously grew.

I let Mike lead the way, he was very cautious, he jumped at every sound but took us through a rusted gate that lead up some concrete steps. We began to climb up the huge tower block, the elevator seemed like it wasn't working...

"Are we nearly there?" I asked, out of breath and my legs burning from climbing these steps for so long.

He chuckled as he seemed to have a lot of energy left inside of him, "Yeah, just one more flight!"

Eventually, when it seemed we were at the very top of this block, we stopped outside a door, Mike rustled about in his pockets and pulled out a bunch of keys, selecting one and unlocking it. He turned to me, a huge grin on his face, he swung open the door, " Destination 7."

I peered inside and started to giggle, "You have to be kidding me..."

He chuckled, "It's nice...isn't it?"

I walked inside and he watched me from the doorway, I looked around...I wasn't quite sure why, but a huge grin was spread across my entire face.

It was a flat, the top floor apartment. It was a normal flat. Nothing swish, fancy or flashy, nothing expensive or valuable. Just a plain brown sofa, a small TV, cream walls, a few pictures hanging up on them, a plain old looking coffee table, a small fireplace...a huge window opposite the sofa with brown curtains drawn.

To my right was a tiny kitchen, nothing more than an oven, a sink and a few cupboards.

Further on straight ahead, a tiny hallway with two doors, probably leading to a bathroom and a bedroom.

It was very normal. Not somewhere you'd think the worldwide super star, Michael Jackson, would spend their time...and I loved that. It was so so normal.

I turned to Mike who looked like he was holding in a lot of laughter.

"This is your place?" I questioned, amused.

"Mhmm!" He nodded, letting a little breathy laugh out. He walked in and shut the door, "Yeah...I know, it's not's not something you'd expect me to have huh? I...created this place for an escape. Y'know...found a quiet place that's not too far away from Neverland, bought it...did it up the way I thought it would look like if I didn't have the money, and I wasn't famous...this is my own little place where I can come and pretend I am a normal, 9-5 working person..."

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