Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Michael's P.O.V.
I couldn't help small smiles breaking out randomly, I certainly blamed it on our antics last night. Whenever I looked at her I just remembered so vividly. I couldn't quite believe it had happened. I mean, I had wanted to for a while and I knew I wanted to get intimate with Grace...I just expected it to happen gradually...which it has, but...but I just felt like last night happened all at once. I never thought I'd be able to trust somebody enough to get so involved with them, but then Grace came along and altered my perspective on everything.

I can't believe she actually got me to do anything like that, I never thought I'd get naked in front of anyone, but for her, it was so easy. I loved how she treat me, with ease and respect, she never rushed into anything...damn, I mean we didn't even have sex yet, but I feel like we have, that was just the first step yet I feel so accomplished, so alive.

She made me feel so good, I've never felt anything like that before, I loved it. And now whenever I looked at her I got bashful, but not in a bad way, a cheeky way, like...wait a minute, she had her mouth...

"Ray's here!" She chirped happily, breaking me out of my trance.

"Well, good morning, good morning, good morning!" Ray sang once he had parked up the limo and got out, opening the door for Grace, "Miss Grace..." he tipped his hat at her graciously.

"Morning." She giggled, flicking his hat before scrambling into the car.

"Michael." He nodded at me, opening another door for me.

"Ray." I nodded back playfully, both of us holding back a chuckle. We always pretended to be a lot more professional with each other than we really were, many times have myself and Ray gone for a leisurely drive to escape the chaos, often ending up going through some junk food drive through and parking up at the most remote place we could find and laugh when Ray told me some kinda scandalous story that he always had.

The limo set off and by now, Grace was almost conditioned into leaning down in her seat and covering her face when we drove through the Neverland gates, I was pleased she'd got the hang of it, but I had mixed feelings, at least her face wouldn't be seen but then again, she was being catapulted into my world, and I still didn't want that for her.

She scooted close to me and rested her head on my shoulder, after everything went down last night we didn't end up going to sleep until the early hours. Her hand was resting on my thigh as she stared lazily out of the window. But she obviously wasn't tired enough to sleep as her adventurous fingers slipped down to my inner thigh and began to draw patterns, causing a shiver to run through my spine and flashbacks of last nights pleasure to replay in my head.

Whether I wanted to explore further or whether that now I had done something once it just meant I wanted to do it again...I had a stubborn and dangerously prestigious hunger for more. It was quite overwhelming, I wanted to feel it again.

So for my body to be aching for it already, that simple touch of hers was more than enough to turn me on, all I could see was her naked body that I saw and how perfect she was. I felt bad, I didn't want to just see her in that way...but she was making it hard for me.

If it wasn't for Ray...

I caught her wandering fingers and entwined them with mine, stopping her from teasing me any more.

"Stop..." I whispered breathlessly, a little smile on my face.

She looked up at me and she immediately smirked having probably seen my flushed face, she knew then the effect it was having on me.

But instead of stopping she used her other hand to threaten to brush her fingers over my growing bulge.

I caught her other hand before she did such a thing and glanced at Ray in the mirror to see if he was looking, "Later." I muttered, smirking.

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