Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

I threw his T- shirt to the side when it was off. I marvelled at this magnificent creature that was before me, his caramel, bare chest, smooth, toned and muscular with his muscled arms. Pure perfection. I was quiet. Slow. Traced my delicate fingers lightly over his soft skin, down the middle of his chest down to his belly button and back up.
Drawing intricate patterns on the surface of him, working like I was creating a masterpiece. Yet, he already was one. He took my wrist gently between his fingers and made me look up into his soft, dark brown eyes that would melt the coldest of souls.

I swallowed, seeing him in his pure state was somewhat emotional, he was so beautiful, I just wish he knew that.
I wish he would stop hiding the lighter patches of skin, they just made him more interesting and in my eyes, more angelic.

His black curls dangled effortlessly about his shoulders, a few falling into his face, his crafted cheekbones creating the most perfect of lines and features.

"You're so perfect..." I whispered, still taking in his beauty.

"No. You are." He replied, tapping my nose.

"No, Michael. You are." I clasped his cheeks in my hands and brought his head to closer to mine, planting my lips onto his. I could feel the love I had for him radiating through every part of me, from my fingertips to my toes.

I wished I was sober. I wished he was too. I wanted whatever was going to happen to be real. Real love. Real want. Not something to be powered by stupidity of alcohol.

"Mike..." I whispered after breaking away from his lips. "I don't...I don't want to do anything right now, y'know, sexual..." I whispered awkwardly.

"Why, baby gurl?" He whispered back.

"I want my first time to do anything with you to be special. To be sober. I actually want to be able to wake up in the morning and remember what I did with you the night before..." I rested my head down on to his chest and listened to his heavenly heartbeat as I felt his arms wrap around my body tightly and his head nuzzle into my hair.

"I'm glad you said that Grace...because so do I."

I awoke, wrapped in Michael's arms as he still slept soundly, his breathing pattern quiet and rhythmic. I couldn't remember falling asleep last night, the last thing I recalled was regretting getting drunk and not wanting to go ahead with anything. I smiled a little to myself, knowing I had done the right thing, knowing I could still do something with him for the first time and remember it the morning after.

But I felt stupid. To think that by getting us so intoxicated would finally lead to something sexual to go off between us was so immature. I hated how I'd even come up with an idea like that. I was so caught up in what I wanted I didn't think of anything else.

I wriggled a little, only then realising I was still in my clothes from last night. I peered over at Mike, he too, was also in his clothes from yesterday. We must have fallen asleep after our little heart to heart.

I could actually remember everything and I was forever thankful I didn't suffer from hangovers either. I wondered how Michael will feel when he wakes up.

I put a hand over Michaels hand that was still gripping me tightly from spooning, I slowly prised him off me and quietly got out of bed, glancing behind me to see him still sleeping like a baby.

I headed into the bathroom where I shut the door behind me and started the bath running, I would have gotten a shower but right now I just wanted to relax. And think.

Staring at myself in the mirror I put my hair up into a high ponytail and rubbed at my face. I was breaking out...I hated my skin at times.

I turned off the taps and undressed, looking at my naked state in the mirror, I had definitely put on weight since getting to America. Staring at myself yet again I had all these negative body image thoughts create a cobweb in my already clouded mind. I'd never been happy with myself. Always found it hard to loose weight, always compared me to all those physically fit girls. Even if Michael did want to get sexual, why would he want to ever see me naked when I look like this? It was time to change.

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