Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Grace's P.O.V.
I rolled him over so that he wasn't on top of me anymore, but laid beside me instead.

I rested my head on his chest and a hand on his torso.

He wrapped an arm around me and began to play with strands of my hair.

His reaction to my statement wasn't quite what I was expecting.

I expected him to freeze on the spot and not know what to say, get incredibly embarrassed that I even mentioned the word. I thought he would laugh it off nervously or run out of the room in fear but...he stopped and thought about what I said. He actually thought about it. Thought about...having sex.

He asked me if it was what I wanted.

The thing that I least expected. The thing that embarrassed me!

What if I had said yes?

Would he have gone through with it?
He's gaining confidence with everyday that passes by...and so am I. Maybe he actually wants to. Maybe he would have?

'So, umm...moving on...I think we should get a pizza tonight, get some music going...have ourselves a little two man party?" He grinned.

I sat up and looked at him, "That's the most perfect thing that you have ever said to me..." I grinned too and leaned down, moving a curl out of his face and kissing those velvety lips.

I, myself, also had a little plan of my own for tonight.

"Where's this tea then?" I teased, getting up, grabbing his hand and pulling him up with me.

He giggled, "In the lady."

We went back into the kitchen and grabbed our cups of tea, then he sat down on the sofa whilst I nosily peered through the curtains to look at the surroundings.

We were very high up, I was expecting to see lots of other skyscrapers when I looked out, but this area was different, not very built up, there was also a lack of colour going on, everything seemed to be old, battered and brown...a perfect hiding place.

"Good tea." I raised my mug in his direction and nodded my head.

"Why, thank you." He winked.

I went over and sat next to him on the sofa, beside me was the remote to the TV. I grabbed it and switched it on.

"Wow...I can't remember the last time I sat and watched TV..." he said quietly, as if the reality of the small situation had just hit him.

I flicked through the channels and soon came across the news. I had been shut off from the outside world for almost a week now, I wanted to know what was going on.

I heard Mike groan beside me and I looked quizzically at him.

"I hate the news..." he whispered.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because they make all this stuff up. They make situations seem ten times worse than they really are...just for views...just for money. Trust me, I've been on the receiving end of many, many news stories about me, not one single one of them to this day has been truthful, why? Because that's what sells." He paused and licked his lips, he was looking down this whole time, twiddling his fingers, he quietened his voice even more, "This is why I'm trying to hide you's not that I don't want the world to know that you're my girlfriend...I want to shout it to the world! It's just...I don't want you to be bullied and ridiculed by people that don't even know you...I don't want you to have to go through what I've had to put up with my whole life." He forced a side smile.

I grabbed a hold of his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. I wasn't going to say that nobody was going to hurt me...because I didn't know if that was going to be true...I didn't know what was going to identity was bound to be found out one day. But until then I'm happy to be the mystery girl that is Michael Jacksons girlfriend.

I'm happy for Mike to keep me a secret.

I rose a hand and placed it on his perfectly crafted cheek, "If that doesn't show your love...I don't know what does. Thank you, Mike." I pulled him down gently to be on my level, where our lips met and locked a passionate kiss...which...didn't actually seem to want to end...

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