Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Grace's P.O.V.
We neared the house and sat on the sun lounges near the pool, Mike took off his jacket and I smirked a little as I watched him. I think he got that little bit more attractive everyday.

"I might go for a swim later..." I muttered, it was more of a thought that I said out loud but it was enough to catch Mike's attention.

"I might join you." He crooned giving me a cheeky wink, making me hide my face and blush.

"You are more then welcome too!"

He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but stopped and looked like he was thinking for a little time, before attempting to speak again.

"Umm, Grace...I...I've gotta go out for a couple of the studio, I've got some vocals to put down for a demo I've got going on...I won't be that okay? I'll pick up some food on my way back, I'll tell Cheryl she doesn't have to cook...I-I'm sorry..." he stuttered.

I giggled a little at his nervousness, "Mike, don't apologise! It's your job, of course it's okay, you don't have to ask permission, jeez. I'll amuse myself whilst your gone." I smiled at him, shrugging. This was a topic I had chewed over on my little runaway. It was fine with me.

He smiled, "You're sure?"


"Okay, thanks, baby. Ray should be here any minute to come pick me up. I'm gonna go change real quick, you coming?"

I was a little startled at his offer but of course, who was I to pass up the opportunity to watch Michael Jackson get almost naked in front of me?

We soon entered through his bedroom door and he took me by surprise as he grabbed my wrists and shoved me gently up against the wall, his face getting real close to mine as a smile danced lightly on his lips.

"And why...have you put your belongings in the spare room?" He crooned quietly.

I grinned at his question, not knowing he'd realised, and realising my stupidity now for doing it.
"Oh...that's the spare room now? Not my room?" I smirked.

"It's not your room anymore. This is your room. I want you to sleep in here. In my bed. With me." He was playfully grinning.

"Yes sir." I obeyed.

"Good." He nodded curtly before attempting to turn away, but I grabbed ahold of him and turned him back round to me.

"Only...if you sleep naked. Like you said you do. You don't when I'm around." I smirked.

His eyes were locked on my lips as I spoke, a prestigious hunger in his eyes as his bottom lip glistened with his saliva.

"Only if you do." His voice still low and sexy but a slight hint of innocent panic in there too. A beautiful concoction.

"Deal." I put my hand out for him to shake as I raised my eyebrows.

There was a slight look of disbelief in his eyes, a look that read he thought I was joking...but I wasn't. And he knew that now.

He glanced down at my hand and then back up at me, a nervous side smile lingering on his lips as he grabbed my hand and shook it. "Deal..."

We'll see how this pans out.

I took a handful of his neckline in my hand and pulled him towards me, the skin of our lips brushing against each other's as I spoke, his breathing getting deeper with every breath he took.

"You better get changed." I whispered against his lips, taking the bottom of the T-shirt he was wearing in my hands and lifting it up, he obeyed me this time, lifting his arms up and allowing me to slip the poxy garment over his head, I dropped it on the floor and glanced at his bashful face. He still got nervous when I saw his body. I didn't care about the paler patches he had on his skin. He was utterly perfect to me.

And I told him so as I clasped his embarrassed face in my hands and whispered, "You are so perfect..."

I let my lips land upon his where we embraced in a loving but passionate kiss...he grabbed my hips...which is when he started to push me over to his bed...

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