Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.
"NOOO!" I screamed as I felt Michaels hand grip my ankle and try to pull me into the pool after him.

I tried to kick him off but his grip was too tight, I clawed at the pool edge but with nothing to grip on to, I knew my fate.

He was laughing loudly, I was laughing loudly, the water was splashing loudly, we must have been making such a noise, I was thankful Michael didn't have neighbours of a close proximity, back home I would have already had a shoe thrown at me through a bedroom window!

Soon my fate had come and he had pulled me into the pool, I finally let go of the pools edge and let the rest of my body plummet into the deep blue water, I was submerged, I opened my eyes under the water, I could see nothing but a light blue haze coming from the underwater lights...and Mike's legs.

I surfaced to hear Michael giggling away as he had triumphed in getting me into the pool with him.

"Do not appreciate." I said sarcastically as I tried to remove the jet black curtain of my hair that had formed over my eyes from being under the water.

"And you think I do appreciate?!" He said with his head cocked to one side, he was wading even closer to me until I was looking up at his beautifully sculpted face and his big, masculine hands had been placed on my waist.

"Is this all to do with me making you watch that movie?" he asked, looking into my eyes as if he'd never looked into them before, I watched intently as water droplets dripped from the tip of his nose, he carried on, "Because if it is...then...y'know its a bit out of hand..." he paused once again, his voice had lowered in tone and was full of flirtatiousness, he flashed a naughty smile before carrying on once more, "And you know I can get you back for this...right?"

My eyes had been frozen in place, I could not break my content stare from him as his grip on my waist somewhat tightened and he gently started to back me up against the pool wall, reality eyes were burning with want.

He too, had not been able to break his stare from me, he was continuing to look down at me, a few ringlets dangled down loosely as drops of water slid down them and back into the pool, drips trickled down his perfectly sculpted cheeks, down onto his jawline, his neck...under his shirt.

I gulped...his eye contact serious...yet gentle enough to come off as playful.

I slightly nodded...yes, I knew he would get me back for this, he was the king of practical jokes.

One corner of his mouth pulled up and formed his seductive lips into a half smile, "Good..." his voice a hoarse whisper, he always sounded this way when things were getting intimate...and it drove me crazy!

He licked his bottom lip as his eyes dropped down slightly to peer at my lips. He started to lean down, "I knew you would..." he finished as he continuously lowered his head towards mine...I could feel his cool breath on my skin, my heart still galloping when moments like this occurred, and then...

Of course...the one, the only, the incredibly loud, Cheryl. Always the one to encourage these moments but coincidentally...always the one to ruin them too.

We both sighed as we heard her screech, we couldn't see her though, we were well out of the way.

"CHERYL! A LITTLE BUSY!" Mike yelled back to my surprise, his teeth slightly clenched.

"OH YOU ARE?! WELL IN THAT CASE...USE PROTECTION." she screamed back, mischief in her voice.

Mike silently gasped whilst I was near on drowning from laughing too much.

"NOT THAT KIND OF BUSY!" He shouted.


"CHERYL!!" Mike yelled louder than ever trying to shut her up but shortly after we heard a door close.

"Ugh, stop laughing!" He splashed me, a teenage, grumpy expression on his face...I was weak!

"Why does she always have to ruin our moments?!" He punched the water, his voice stroppy but still laughing.

I waded towards him, his hands immediately finding themselves at my waist again, like they were some kind of magnet, he pulled me forward until our chests were pressing against each other's...

He looked down at me, faces millimetres apart, his eyes searched my face for a moment.

"Just kiss me, Grace." His voice somewhat forceful.

I was taken aback by his abruptness but, not wanting to waste a second of this sweet moment I obeyed, leaning in that tiny distance and pressing our already wet lips together.

My heart leapt with what felt like fireworks inside, my stomach fluttered like butterflies...every time we kissed was like the first time we kissed.

His grip around my waist tightened as things got more passionate, our lips moved in synchronisation, it was slow...but intimate...loving.

My arms floated up his chest until they found themselves around his neck, I sucked and nibbled lightly on his bottom lip, a loud and long exhale was his reaction, it seemed my action satisfied him.

His masculinity was radiating from his every limb as he had pushed me back up against the pool wall, his hands wandering down to the backs of my thighs and smoothly lifting me up, placing my legs around his small but strong waist and holding me up with a strong grip on my ass.

I was higher than him now, clasping his cheeks in my hands as his head lifted up slightly to meet my hungry lips once again.

I could hardly believe I was his first kiss not so long ago and now he could be mistaken as a professional.

I escaped his grasp and slid down onto my feet again, turning us so that he was now against the pool wall, I broke free momentarily, rested my forehead against his, our breathing a little heavier.

I traced my fingers down his chest and gripped the bottom of his sodden T-shirt...never breaking our everlasting eye contact.

I slowly began to lift the bottom of his shirt up...hoping he would go along with my motive.

Like a natural, he lifted up his muscular arms, allowing me to slip the unwanted piece of clothing over his head and off his body completely.

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