Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Grace's P.O.V.
I gladly let him hold my hand, it might sound silly but I sure did feel a lot more safer with his hand interlinked with mine.

I watched the film as it started, popping the odd M&M into my mouth as my eyes fixated on the huge screen...the film was set on the London Underground and a woman had fallen asleep, missing the last Tube Train and getting locked inside the Underground...alone.

Suddenly a lonesome Tube carriage appeared and she boarded, it was empty apart from a sketchy looking man...who then proceeded to walk up to her and try to rape her...

I jumped, squeezing Mikes hand harder as suddenly a door slid open on the carriage and the horrible man was dragged out by a creature onto the tube lines. A few seconds passed until I jumped again, covering my mouth as a bloody hand appeared, the man who had just been dragged out was trying to get back into the carriage. The woman peers over the edge...that's when I gasped and shouted in horror..."HIS DICKS BEEN CHOPPED OFF!"

I looked horrified at the screen whilst I could hear and feel Mike laughing hard in his chair, covering his mouth with his spare hand, I looked at him shocked which only made him laugh harder.

"Don't be getting any ideas for when you're mad at me okay?" He grinned and winked.

I laughed and teased him, "Well how would I know if you've even got a dick, I haven't seen it yet..." I winked back.

He smirked and looked away.

The film got progressively worse as it went on, the creature in the underground was truly horrifying, it turned out it used to be a male nurse who delivered babies and took people who were stranded and tried to deliver their babies with old fashioned tools...even though they weren't pregnant...and they were were not sedated.

The creature made the most horrifying, blood curdling screech which scared me silly and caused me to grab Michaels arm so tightly I almost ripped his shirt...I also used his hand to shield my eyes...after all...his hand was the size of my very own face.

After a while of being my personal blind fold he pulled me up from the Crimson chair and sat me comfortably and safely on his knee where I could use his protection and hide my face in his chest.

I wriggled on to Mikes knee, getting impossibly close, one side of my face against his chest, I could still hear the terrible screeches of the monster in the film but I couldn't see it. The film was near to ending meaning the action and the horror was climaxing. Michael had seen this disgusting movie before but even he jumped at one point, causing some M&M's to escape out of the bowl.

I laughed at him and picked up the stray sweets that had rolled off of me and onto his crotch, I could see the shimmering glint in his eye as he made deadly serious eye contact with me, not to mention that incredibly cheeky smirk he had going on, I know it was dark in here, but I could still see it.

At long last the film credits began to roll upon the screen, I finally began to relax as the ghastly movie ended, oh, he was going to get it back so good for making me go through that. He used the remote to turn the lights up so we could actually see again, but...I didn't move.

"You okay gurl?" Mike said, a slight snicker in his voice.

I groaned into his chest, "I'm scarred for life...I'm never forgiving you!"

"Don't even lie, I know you loved it!" He teased, beginning to tickle me.

I squealed and tried to jump off his knee to get away but he had a good hold of me and that was impossible!

"Mike! Michael! Stop! Please!" Laughing like a donkey and getting weak. I laid still until he finally stopped and loosened his grip on my body, that's when I had a teensy tiny brainwave.

I took off, running through the theatre and out of the door, laughing loudly as I went and soon I was running amongst the Neverland grounds, it was dark...really dark, but the sparkly lights that were scattered around Neverland like fireflies gave the place a wonderful glow, this place was beautiful at night, the cool night breeze rippled through my hair as I grinned, feeling free. I raced over to the wonderfully lit up pool.

The underwater lights lit the pool up so that the water was a delicate turquoise blue, the water slightly rippling from the soft trickle of a waterfall at the far end, a little steam rising up from the water as the warmth met the cool night was like a personal, private lagoon.

I hid behind a prickly bush and waited for Michael to appear, I knew that he would have chased me out of the theatre, I needed to get my sweet revenge.

Hiding behind the bush reminded me of the amazing water fight I had with Michael and his family, that was easily one of the best days of my life so far, Mike's family are so easy going and fun loving, I really do hope I get to see them again soon!

My concentration turned back to listening out for Mike as I heard some quiet but quick and nifty footsteps approaching, right near the pool...right were I wanted him.

"Grace?! What are you doing?! You know I can find you..." he shouted, a spot of cockiness in his voice.

He had his back to me, the perfect chance.

I sprung up silently from behind the bush and quick footed the few yards it was to Michael, all the while being sneakily quiet, I paused behind him, muttering just loud enough for him to hear, "Not if I find you first..."

I didn't give him the chance to turn around before I put both of my hands on his back and gave him a sharp push.

He yelled, flailing his arms about before he lost complete balance and plunged deep into the pool.

I almost fell about laughing as he surfaced with his sodden curls stuck to his dripping face, he blew the water out of his mouth as he caught his breath.

"I'll kill you!" He shouted as he began to swim to the side, "Grace..." he paused, catching his breath again and laughing loudly, "I'm gonna annihilate you..."

I clenched my stomach as I laughed even harder, my legs were weak and gave way until I was crawling around the pools edge like a turtle, I wasn't paying much attention to where and how fast Michael was swimming to the edge...until I felt a hand around my ankle...

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