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'Hello, My name is Jessica and I have two best friends, Melody and Clarissa. Melody loves to read, shes very smart and nice. Everybody knows her cause she's a straight A student. And Clarissa? Well...let's just say she's a little boy crazy. What am I saying, she's REALLY boy crazy! She is one of the most popular girls in the school. She loves attention and knows everybody. And tries to get me a boyfriend, which by the way, is really annoying. But I love her anyways. we've known each other since second grade. If it wasn't for Clarissa I wouldn't have had any friends, she introduced me to Melody. Me? Well I'm just a shy girl who everybody knows as the quiet girl. Which can be annoying at the fact people assume I'm very smart and always get good grades or are scared of me at the fact that "the quiet ones are the ones you've got to watch out for" *sigh* as I was saying, I'm always quiet, no one has heard me talk, only when I'm spoken to but that's about it, on the other hand when I'm with my friends or with my family I'm actually very loud and weird. I don't have a lot of friends, Melody and Clarissa are my only friends, but I'm okay with it. Besides I don't like getting attention from many people which is ironic at the fact that I'm weird and loud with my family..... Anyways, we are in six grade, first year of middle school and I hate it. We are all waiting for the bell to ring, I'm ready to get out of language arts....'

When the bell rings, Jessica and her two friends are packing up their things. "ugh! I want to go home already!" Jessica grumbled. Clarissa comes and grabs her by the shoulder and said, "I hate school! But then again there are cute boys here!" She sees a cute boy and shakes Jessica's shoulder in excitement. "Oh! Jessica that guy over there likes you!" She said loudly. Jessica Rolls her eyes in annoyance, "don't start Clarissa! You always try to pair me with some guy I don't even know." "it's Clarissa what do you expect." Her friend Melody commented. "true." She agreed.

*suddenly they hear the intercom beep*

"Can Jessica,Clarissa and melody come to the office please"

Jessica's eyes widen in surprise "what! To the Office? I wonder what we did wrong?" "well whatever it is it must be all Clarissa's fault." Melody replied.
Clarissa raises her hands up in the air "hey! I'm innocent this time I swear!" as they all got up, everybody in their class started 'ooooooing' at them.
"oh shut up!" She shouted at everybody as they walked out.
Hi! It's me the author I'm just letting you know that I'm making this up as I go. This is my first time writing a story so if you don't like it then I'm sorry for wasting your time. 😐 but if you do like it then thanks! 🤗 sorry if it's a bit boring. But I'll try to make it better as I continue writing. 👍🏼  Ill fix any mistakes after Im done.

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