New girl?

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*jerry gave them all the gadgets they need*

Jerry: oh and one more thing. Meet Brittany.

*a girl with long straight red hair came in and she was wearing a brown "I love food" shirt and some ripped jeans and adidas*

Brittany: hi! 👋

Clarissa: hi how's it going.

Melody: nice to meet you.

* alarm goes on*

Jerry: uh oh there's an attack on Mexico City again. Off you go girls.

Clarissa: welcome to the team Brittany.
*with jessica at school*

Jessica: *walking to class when suddenly someone pushed her into the lockers and she winces as she hits the lockers* ow!

Lin: your finally back!

Jessica: 😢 "not now...." what do you want?

Lin: you know. Revenge for what you did to me.

Jessica: what did I do to you? 😒

Lin: you yelled at me and bumped Into me when we first met.

Jessica: *getting irritated* ugh! Just leave me alone! That way I'm not in your way!

*she tries to walk away but Lin grabs her hoodie*

Jessica: *she turns around and grabs her hand * let me go! *throws her hand and pushes her and walks away*

Lin: 😡 your gonna get it!

Jessica: don't care!
*with the girls on a jet*

*melody was flying the plane and Clarissa is sitting on the seat next to her as Brittney stands behind them*

Brittney: um.... I just wanted to let you girls know that Jerry told me about your partner.

Melody:... what about our partner?

Brittney: um the part where she used to be part of your team. I was curious at why she isn't in your team anymore but he didn't answer me. 

Clarissa: well um 😟 you know how there are ghosts around attacking people lately..?

Brittney: yeah they're everywhere.

*melody gives Clarissa a wondering look, wondering where she is going with this*

Clarissa: um well you see.... uhhh 🤔 she was helping- no hiding one from Jerry which was against the....rules.......?

Melody: 😓 *face palm*

Brittney: oh! Really! That's nice of her. She must be the smart and brave one of the group.

Melody: uhh not exactly..... she's the clumsy type... 😅

Brittney: oh...okay

Melody: okay we're here in Mexico City. So let's go!

*the girls get out of the jet plane and sees a man shooting at people with some sort of ray gun and making people go slow*

Melody: you guys see that? We've got to do something.

Brittney: maybe I can scan what kind of ray he's using.

Clarissa: good idea Brittney!

Melody: yeah but first we need the ray gun.

Clarissa: I think we should use an aggressive approach. *she uses her rocket boots to get the bad guy but she loses control and crashes Into a ice cream cart and the bad guy gets away*

*melody and Brittney runs to Clarissa*

Melody: aw he got away!

Clarissa: ugh! This must be how jessica feels. 🙁

Brittney: jessica?

Melody: our partner. The one we told you about.

Brittney: oh!

Melody: hey I found a footprint in the ice cream!

Clarissa: take a picture of it and fast before it melts!

*Brittney takes a picture of the footprint*

Melody: okay we need to get to woohp. We have to get this wacko soon.

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