Musicians part 2

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Jerry: ok here are your gadgets. And good luck girls!

•London hip hotel 4:00 pm•

The girls open the door to their suit

Clarissa looks around, "omg! This place is huge!" she jumps on the bed. Melody puts her stuff down and glares at Clarissa. "Clarissa! We are undercover. act professional." "whatever!" Jessica was walking around the room and looking at the furniture "wow I like these chairs!"

There was a knock on the door and Melody went to open it and a short man with brown long hair came in. "hello, you girls must be The spies"

Jessica Starts to panic "spies? We're not-not spies. 😅 Hehe who t-told you we were spies?"
Clarissa elbows Jessica arm "Yes thats us, the spies."
Jessica rubs her arm "ow.."

"well I'm Phil Jenkins, Ricky's agent. He's very excited to meet you so how about we go to the penthouse to meet him."

At the penthouse,Ricky is sitting on the couch playing music on his guitar. Clarissa walks up to him "nice song" she complimented. Ricky turns around, "thanks I just wrote it." Phil closes the door behind them, "Ricky has a record to play tomorrow morning." Melody sits down "We are excited to work with great talent." Ricky puts his guitar down "thanks I just adore your early work." Jessica looks at Clarissa confused "we have early work?"Clarissa looks at Jessica and puts her finger on her lips "shhh...." Jessica still confused "Uh...o-ok" sits down on the couch next to melody.

Ricky got an idea and stands up, "hey you guys should come to the recording studio and hang out." Phil walks up to Ricky "uh Ricky the recording studio is off limits." Clarissa sits next to Ricky "oh sure we would love to!"

"great...." Phil mumbled, "Ok! lets go we dont want to keep those hungry fans waiting."

Clarissa Stands up and accidentally drops a Glowing CD and Melody picks it up "huh?" She puts it in her purse.

In the hallway. Melody is holding the CD "huh thats weird. Since when do CD's glow?" Jessica catches up to her "well other than Ricky's crazy fans and glowing CD's he seem normal to me" Clarissa bumps into Jessica, "ouch!"

•nightclub 7:00 pm•

*fans shouting for Rickey*

"well I guess this is it. We are actually gonna play music In Front of people. You ready Clarissa?" Melody sees that clarissa is listening to music from the glowing CDAnd take soft her headphones. "Clarissa your not suppose to be listening to music your suppose to be playing it. And besides I took the CD as evidence."

Clarissa looks at Melody with a dreamy look on her face "well too bad. I really like the music"
the girls go on stage and start playing. Clarissa and melody are on the guitars while jessica is doing the drums. "hey we sound good!" Clarissa shouted.
"uh duh! that because it's recorded. In case you haven't noticed, none of us are singing and your guitar isn't plugged into the amplifiers." Melody Shouted back. Clarissa notices what melody said and tries to stay calm and not to panic. 2 hours later the girls are done playing and are backstage sitting and drinking water

"well at least they are not asking for an encore.." she said leaning against the wall. Rick walks up to them "nice job lip singing. it took me forever to get it right." Melody turns around "you lip sing Ricky?"
"I dont like to but Phil said I dont sing live. So I geuss I can't argue with success." The curtains open and Ricky goes on stage

"I guess we should take off about Ricky being normal. The guy doesn't even sing!" Jessica said as she puts her water bottle on the table. "that's not the only thing that weird. Look. Up there" Melody points to the booth in the second floor and sees Phil talking on the phone. "What are they doing up there. Let's go check it out. You coming Clarissa?"

"you kidding me I've got a good view from here!" She grabs her perfume and calls Jessica. "Oh jessica before you go do you mind holding my perfume."
"um... why do you have perfume in the first place?"
"to smell nice duh!"
"ok fine whatever. Let's go melody."
melody and Jessica goes to the second floor and walk pass security and Into the room where Phil is talking on the phone

Phil on the phone "okay tell Mr. Sebastian about it" Hangs up and turns around and sees the girls sitting on the couch behind him. "oh h-hey girls what are you doing here? Are you having fun?" Phil runs to the door and checks if anybody was with them and closes the door.

Jessica realizes she's doesn't hear anything "hey! I think I've gone deaf!"  "oh the booth is soundproof the music give me a headache after a while so I like it quiet."

Melody looks at Phil suspiciously.

•9:00 pm in an elevator•

Melody pushes the button to the floor where their room is and turns to Jessica "ok. Let's review. Ricky's fans are nuts, his CDs glow, he doesn't sing and his agent sits in a soundproof booth during his shows." Jessica crosses her arms "pretty freaky! What do you think Clarissa?"Clarissa looking like a zombie "I think it's awesome! I could listen to him all night!" Jessica looks at Clarissa weird "o....kay..?"
The door of the elevator opens and the girls walk in.

Melody puts her bag down "ok I think we should talk to Jerry" tv screen turns on and Jerry shows up. "Jerry?!"

"hello girls I hope being a star isn't getting into your heads."

"no it's not but I was wondering, I heard Phil on the phone talking about someone name Sebastian. What do you know about him Jerry?" Melody replied

Jerry on his computer "well it says here that he was a famous guitarists until he got into an accident that made him lose his career. Thats all it says. Well see ya girls." The TV turns off as The door opens and Ricky comes in. "Ricky!!!" Clarissa Runs up to him and gives him a hug. "hey girls who's ready to go to my recording studio in Venezuela?"

on a plane Clarissa is sitting next to Ricky, Staring at him with goo goo eyes while Jessica and Melody are looking out the window as they land and they see a satelite on top of a yacht.

Melody talking to Jessica "so I was wondering why is there a huge satélite on the yacht."
"well Ricky said that it was for them to be able to broadcast the music live."
"I don't buy it. since when do you need guards to Guard a satélite dish? "
"well this is the freakiest recording studio I ever seen."

in recording studio recording Ricky's song

Phil on microphone "that was great Ricky"

"yeah! That was totally excellent!"
Ricky sees clarissa on top of Phil as she was talking on thw microphone.

Phil gets up and pushes Clarissa off of him and walks in the recording studio

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