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*at woohp*

Jerry: hey girls, it's nice to see you three again.

Clarissa: what do you mean again. We literally saw you for the past three months.

Jerry: yes I know.. okay back to business. Are you girls familiar to a show called fight?

Clarissa: *Excidedly stands up* oooo! I love that show! It's the one where people can win a medal but you have to watch out for gladiators in an island full of different scenery right?

Melody: Like what?

Clarissa: for example, you could be at a jungle in one moment and then be at a Desert in another.

Jerry: yeah that's the one, fight.
Apparently the last contestant named Lewis from the olympics was just reported missing after losing the competition.

*Jerry shows the girls a picture of Lewis on the screen behind him and Clarissa fell in love with him*

Clarissa: oh! I wouldn't mind being lost with him. He's hot.
Sorry for making this chapter so Short...😅😅

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