The next day

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*7:30 am*

Melody: *yawns* okay time to get up!

*as melody gets out of her room she realized that the only person that was awake was Nim and lily*

Melody: oh. Hey guys where is everybody else? Are they still asleep?

Nim: heh yeah.

Melody: ugh!

*she knocks on everybody's door except jessica*

Melody: GET UP!!! It's morning!!!!!!

*she walked to the couch that Blaine is sleeping and pushes him off the couch*

Melody: wake up sleepy beauty! Told you guys to be awake by seven thirty!

Clarissa: *moans* I don't wanna get up! It's too early!!

*melody barges in her room and took of her blankets*

Clarissa: ugh! Fine I'm up! Happy!

*melody doesn't answer and just walks out of he room*

Martin: *yawns* breakfast time! *he gets up and runs to the kitchen where Nim and lily are at*

Nim: hi Martin!

Martin: hey!

Lily: you looking for food? I made breakfast for everybody.

Martin: whoa!!! That looks so good!!!

*on the table there were pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast, yogurt, hash brown, milk, cereal, organs juice, fresh fruit etc*

Martin: thanks for the food lily!!!

Lily: no problem! I love cooking. Love it when other people enjoy it.

*martin sat down and started eating eggs and bacon*

Clarissa: *walks in the kitchen and serves some fresh fruit* mmm! This is good!

Blaine: good morning Clarissa!

Clarissa: Blaine!!! Good morning!!! Here! Have some fruit! *she shoves a spoonful of fruit in his mouth*

Blaine: mmm! 👍🏼

Brittany: can someone grab me a chair please!! *as she said that she was walking to the kitchen limping* I totally forgot that I hurt my leg... i got up and tried to walk and I fell... 😅😅

Lily: are you alright?

Brittany: yeah! I'm good! *gasps* food!!!!! 😍

Melody: okay is everybody here!? Good! Okay we have thirty minutes To eat and we should all go to Jessica's room and try to act like nothing happened last night alright!

Jessica:.....ugh....🤕 *rubbing her temples* why do I have a huge headache.....

Everybody:*gasps**everybody stopped what they're doing and stood still*

Jessica: oh..hey guys...... what's going on....? Oh! Pancakes. *she sits down and serves herself some pancakes* why are you guys staring at me like that?

Clarissa: don't remember?

Jessica: remember what?

Brittany: don't you remember what happened last night?

Jessica: uhhh.... 🤔 it's all a blur... I only remembered accidentally tripping Brittany...... and then Clarissa came and Brittany went to the bathroom and I went to bed.... that's abou----*before she could finish her sentence a flash of memories from last night came rushing in and she started hyperventilating*. 😨 oh my god! No!!!

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