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Lily: are you this girl?
*shows her the picture*

Clarissa: yes that's me?

Melody: wait I recognize that phone!

Martin: whoever it is he/she did not do a very good job at taking care of it.

Clarissa: oh my god your right melody! That's Jessica's phone!

Melody: I recognize that broken phone anywhere! It got cracked when she got kidnapped before the coma! Where did you get this!? 😐

Brittany: I thought Jerry had the phone.

Lily: no it's your friends Jessica. She's in trouble and I need your help!

Nim: jessica? In trouble? Ha! No way! S-she's dead! For the past 8 months!

Lily: I know it's hard to believe but it's true! Look! *she shows a picture of her in her phone of Jessica smiling at the camera on the couch with the tv on*

Girls: what!?

Lily: now do you believe me?!

Nim: I-I don't know.

Martin: I say let's go for it!

Brittany: why!?

Martin: come on! There's a chance you get to see your friend again!

Melody: how!? S-She's dead!

Clarissa: yeah we all saw her die right in front of us!

Brittany: and we are just moving on!

Lily: I don't know about you but we don't have time to talk about this!! The longer we talk jessica will be dead soon!

Nim: okay fine take us!

Lily: okay follow me!
*with Jessica*

*jessica was bleeding all over the place and was breathing heavily*

"Okay I hurt you a lot and your still manage to stay awake? Huh? Maybe I should cut your head open"

Jessica: ...no.... 😰😰😰🤕.
*with Lily*

Melody: where are we?

Brittany: guys! Look!!! Jessica's grave!!! It's been dug up and it's empty!!! 😧

Clarissa: what!?

*they hear yelling*

Lily: over here! *she runs to the house*

*Martin and the girls follow her*

Lily: okay down there is your friend. Go!

Clarissa: wait! How do we know--

Lily: GO!!!!!! *she pushed them in*

Clarissa: whoa!

*Martin and the girls go in and thy see the demon slowly cutting Jessica's head and seeing Jessica scream in agony*

Clarissa: 😡 dead or not!! She's still my best friend and she needs help!!! *she goes in and grabs a knife and stabs the demon*

"Well well well look who we've got here.."

Clarissa: long time no see you monster!

*Martin and her three friends come from behind her*

Clarissa: Martin, melody, Brittany get jessica. Nim and I can take this guy.

Melody: alright!

Clarissa:*growling* you messed with the wrong person!

Nim: 😡

*Clarissa attacks the demon and starts Scratching him and Nim flew around throwing anything she can find at him*

*while they were doing that melody and the rest ran up to jessica*

Melody: jessica? It's us! *her and Brittany untie her while Martin holds her*

Jessica:*trying to open her eyes* M-Melody? B-Brittany? W-w-what....are... you doing here?

Brittany: we are here to help you! What else?!

"Grrrr! I'll be back! This isn't the last time you see the last of me JESSICA! I WILL GET YOU!"

*he disappears*

Jessica: *groans* 😣

Melody: Martin can you hold her!?

Martin: yeah! Let's go take her to the hospital!

*lily comes in*

Lily: she won't make it! Let's treat her here the best that we can and then take her! It's the only way!

Nim: okay!

* they take jessica inside the house and tried to stop the bleeding*

Brittany: oh my God! She's bleeding everywhere!

Lily: let's fix her head first, then her back and then the front and then her arms and legs!

Clarissa: alright!

*1 hour later*

Jessica: ahh! 😣 *screams in pain*

Lily: sorry jessica we don't have anything to numb the area!

Jessica: *winces*

Lily: okay we stopped the bleeding and put the stitches on now let's take her to the hospital!

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