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???: don't be scared...

??: this is the ghost girl?

???: yup!

?: so you actually got her.

???: yes boss.

?:*he walks up to jessica.*It's been a while. Last time I saw you. You were only 14. Your now what? 16? It's been two years.

Jessica: mmhm? *lifts in eyebrow in confusion*

*he takes off his mask*

Jessica: 😳 *she got surprised because it was Tom*

Tom: surprised?

Jessica: mmm...

Tom:*rips off the tape from her mouth*

Jessica: ow.

??: you know her boss.

Tom: sadly, yes.

Jessica: W-what do you want?

Tom: I want you gone! And I know it's gonna be hard to get you with your powers so I had to fake an attack on the queen in order for you to have one touch of that laser in order for you temporarily loss you powers and the ability to turn to ghost.

Jessica: that makes sense....

Tom: yeah well now that I've got you here I can finish what I started. Kris! Larry! You know what to do.*he walks away*

Jessica: w-wait! Where are you going? Don't leave me! What are they gonna do!?

Tom:*chuckles* you'll see. *he disappears into the dark*

*The two men walked up to her and she froze in fear*
*Monday. The girls are at school*

Clarissa: ugh!! Why hasn't Jerry found jessica yet?! It's been a day!

Nim: I hope she's alright. 😔

Clarissa: well wherever she is i hope they have a heater cause it's really cold in here in the freakin school! It's 26 degrees outside and it feels colder in here!!!

Melody: did you forget to bring a sweater again?

Clarissa: 🙄

Brittany: I'm taking that as a yes.

???: hey dweebs! Where's my punching bag?!

Melody: *Groans* not now Lin.

Lin: why?

Brittany: well....

Clarissa: jessica has been kidnapped! You happy?! 😡

Lin: 😮

Melody: relax Clarissa. *Tries to calm clarissa down but fails*

Clarissa: no! I'm not gonna relax! How can I relax when one of my best friend is somewhere out there suffering and we are just sitting here eating our lunch like nothing is happening!

Brittany: but we don't know where she is.

Clarissa: we are spies! we've done this before! She been kidnapped before and we found her safe and sound. And this time we really don't know what's going on!

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