are we done yet?

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*with kings*

Kings: *talking to himself* who are these girls? They are good. Maybe too good..
*jessica walking around the jungle and suddenly someone jumps in front of her*

Jessica: *gasps* *sees that it was melody and then sighs in releif*

Melody: jessica? Your alive! *gives jessica a hug*

Jessica: oh just barley! This island is crowded with these gladiators!

*the girls hears rustling in the bushes and they both attack and realized it was Clarissa*

?: ah! Oof!

Melody and jessica: Clarissa!

Clarissa: you guys can get off me now!

* on a tree branch*
Melody: okay I've got a hunch that Lewis never got off this island.. well not alive at least.

Jessica: the sooner we figure out what happen to Lewis the faster we get off this island. * she takes a bite from a banana*

Melody: maybe we can ask the people I saw that are being held captive. Maybe they have some answers. I found them underground when I was running from the gladiators. Weird right?

Jessica: come to think of it, I saw something weird too! Some sort of satélite was following me down the river but suddenly it just disappeared.

Clarissa: *takes out the collar she got from saving the gladiator* does this count as weird? I got it from one of the gladiator. It looks like some sort of electronic collar.

Jessica: huh? Prisoners, satélite, and an electronic collar. Kings is definitely up to something.

Melody: I think it's time to talk to the prisoners. There the only ones in this island who isn't trying to destroy us.

* the girls climb down from the branch and start running to where the prisoners are*

*with the prisoners*

Jessica: these people look so familiar.

Clarissa: oh that's because they are professional athletes and also competed on this fight show.

Melody: oh and now kings is forcing them to be gladiators for his show. We've got to save them!

* they hear footsteps behind them and they turn around and found 10 gladiators surrounding them*

Clarissa: oh great now who's gonna save us!?

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