A spy is born part 4

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Clarissa trying to pull the brakes of the train "ugh its no use it's jammed." Melody looks around, "ok if that doesn't work we need to find the emergency brakes. I'll look for it here and you go look for it at the rear of the train."
"got it!" She runs off to the rear of the train. "okay! If I was the brake where would I be?" As she started looking, the train shook Making her fall down.
"what the heck was that!!?"

Marco came up in the same screen as before, "actually that thump noise you heard was my doing. I decided that splitting the train would make my movie more interesting."

Clarissa's eyes widens "splitting the train!!!!!" She exclaimed.

"yup! Let me show you" he pushes a button the makes Clarissa's part of the train turn to the opposite direction.

Clarissa gets up and looks out the window and sees melody's part of the train coming towards her
"o-ok I'm beginning to understand! "😱 she quickly takes out her backpack to get her phone to call


Melody is looking around for the emergency break but couldn't find it. "where is it!" She thought.
Suddenly the engine starts to smoke and exploded a bit.

"ahhh!" puts her arms over her head to cover herself from the sparks and smoke.

"what? Are you scared of some special effects?" Marco asked with a grin on his face.

Melody coughs and waves the smoke away from her face, "how are you so amused by this?" She turns around and finds the brakes. "ah-ha! Gotcha!" pulls the brakes and stops the train.  "That was easy."
Her phone starts to ring and she takes out her phone. "Hello?"

"Uh.....melody I think there's a little problem." Clarissa said as she was looking through her backpack for a gadget.

Melody looked at Clarissa confused, "what do you mean a problem? I just stopped the train."

"A-actually that's only half the problem. Look out the window."

Melody looks out the window and see the train getting closer "ooookayy. Maybe it's not that easy..."

"oh!! Stay put, I got in idea."

"Me stay put?! Your the one who's moving!" Melody exclaimed as she was looking out the window worriedly.

"...oh right.." she hangs up and she breaks the emergency glass that was agaisnt the wall and takes out the ax and breaks the floor of the train, takes out a gadget that freezes objects and sprays it in the wheels of the train and the train stops 5 feet away from the other half of the train.

Spies or heroes?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن