With melody, nim, and martin

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Martin: do you guys see her?

Nim: no! And I'm flying!

Melody: I used my speed to look at the west side of the city and nothing so far. *growling*

Martin: what's that noise?

Melody: that was my stomach. Running a lot must have burn a lot of calories which means I get hungry easily....

Nim: *sigh* I hope jessica is okay.

Martin: I hope the others found a way to stop the demon.

Melody: well at least think of a plan so we can tell Jessica, cause the demon won't fight with us.

Martin: which I don't get why!

Nim: it's just the way he works I guess.

*suddenly an explosion happen and the group were thrown against the wall*

Martin: ugh! These explosions are getting really annoying!

Melody: you guys okay?

Nim: yeah I think.

Martin: why can't you use your speed to take us away from the explosion.

Melody: uhh how am I suppose to know that a building is going to explode!

Martin: oh.. right...

Nim: I'll go look for jessica in the air again.

Melody: I'll look on the east side of the city.

Martin: and I'll just look inside buildings.

Nim: be careful Martin.

Martin: can't make any promises.

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