The demon is back

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Martin: who are you?

"Call me whatever you want but I am a demon"

Blaine: a demon!?

Jessica: yes and he's here for me.... 😔

Blaine: why!?

Martin: don't worry jessica! I won't let him hurt you! *gets in between jessica and the demon*

"Ha! You really think you can defeat me!"

*suddenly a gush of wind came and blew everyone except jessica*

Martin: oof!

Clarissa: ow!

Brittany: really!?

Nim: gah!

Lily: oh!

Melody: oh!

Blaine: whoa!

Jessica: you guys okay!?

Everyone: yeah! 👍🏼

"Okay now. Time for me to-"

Jessica: I'll stop you right there! No! Your not taking over me again! I'm tired of it! I haven't a slept since..... I had my first nightmare! I'm freakin tired and cranky!!! I'm in so much pain right now! And I'm pretty sure you are he one who cause all of the explosions.

"Well somebody got very smart"

Jessica: okay I'll admit that I get scared all the time! But I don't know if you noticed but I'm not the only one who gets scared! 😠 I get it you use fear in order to get stronger but really!? Ruining someone's life!!! Like you did to Lily!!! She had to give up her child because of you! And she lost her husband! And her parents! And now....your making me go mental....

"😒 are you done?"


"I have enough of this*

*he grabbed jessica by the neck and flew to the sky*

Brittany: jessica!

Lily: Nim go after them!!

Nim: oh! Okay! *she tries to fly up but for some reason she couldn't* huh? Why can't I fly?

Melody: it's the demon.

Martin: what?

Melody: jessica once told me that the demon doesn't fight with anybody unless it's the person he's after...

Clarissa: so what!? We are not gonna just stand here!

Melody: we don't have a choice Clariss- well.... we can try......

*with jessica*

"Your going to be my assistant. If not then I'll have no choice but to kill you and go on to my next target"

Jessica: *gasping for air and holding on to his arm* s-so that's why your torturing m-me!? So I can give in and be you assistant!?

"I need a Queen when I rule the world"

Jessica: then why did you kill me before?

"Like I said, so I can go on to my next target"

Jessica: then why revive me?

"I gave you a second chance"

Jessica: but..I thought you used me to feed off of my fear.

"I did. But then I realize how boring it is being lonely"

Jessica: so.. you brought me back?

"Eh yeah. But since you don't want to help I have no choice but to destroy you and everyone you know!"

Jessica: okay! You can hurt me and do whatever you want but keep my friends and family out of it! They've done nothing to you!!!! *she tried punching him in the face but he let her go*

"Btw I took your powers away again"

Melody: oh no! *she uses her speed to run up a building and causing jessica and brought her back*

Jessica: oh phew! I thought I was a goner.... again...

*suddenly the mall behind him exploded into pieces and everything was on fire blowing everybody away *

Clarissa: *groans* we need Jerry......

Lily: oh dear. The whole entire mall is gone!!

Jessica: I hope there was no one in there.

Melody: well that's the least of our worries. Look! *she points and the city and sees there everything was on fire*

Jessica: ugh! This is all my fault!!! Where is that freakin demon! *she ran further into the city*

Martin: jessica wait! You can't just go in! Your arm!

Jessica: I've been killed, gone mental, kidnapped, bullied, tortured, crashed into and got into a coma! Do you really think my arm is going to stop me!!?


Jessica: my thoughts exactly! And besides! The demon won't fight with anybody unless it's me. *she ran off looking for the demon*

Brittany: *shouts out to jessica* DO YOU HAVE A PLAN AT LEAST!?

Melody: okay we need to find a way how we can stop the demon once and for all.

Blaine: well first off. He's a demon. So basically. He's like a spirit. Or a ghost.

Clarissa: is it possible if we can use the container on him like we use on the other ghosts?

Melody: it's possible. Let's go to woohp!

Martin: but what about jessica!?

Brittany: how about Martin, Nim, and melody stay! While the rest of us go to woohp!

Melody: okay! Now go!

*Blaine, Clarissa, Blaine and lily went to woohp*

Martin: so now what?

Melody: we look for jessica!

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