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*one week later*

*Friday June 12 1:00pm with melody at the library*

Melody: mmh okay I have 10 books here and I only need three... oh god.... now I have to choose.

?: Hey melody!

Melody: huh? *she turns around and sees her old friend from elementery school* oh! Jax! Hey girl!

Jax: Long time no see! How have you been? Still visiting the library i see.

Melody: heh. You know me. Im a bookworm! 😄

Jax: its great to see you again. Too bad we didnt have any classes together in middle school.

Melody: yeah. But who knows maybe we will in high school.

Jax: yeah. True. Well i gotta go. My mom is waiting for me.

Melody: oh ok. See ya!

*as she leaves melody was trying to choose a book when the floor under her opened and she fell in *

Melody: ahh!
*at the mall with Clarissa*

Clarissa: oh I can't wait to try On these new clothes I just bought!
*she sees the new hat on the store window* *gasps* I have to have that hat! *she runs in to get the hat but someone grabbed it first*

Lyra: hahahaha too bad Clarissa I got it first!

Clarissa: hey! I saw it first! Now give it to me!

Lyra: yeah right! I'm buying this hat.

*they both start fighting over the hat until security shows up and kicked them out of the store*

Lyra: ugh! You see what you did Clarissa! You just have to have your filthy hands on the hat!

Clarissa: my fault!? You took the hat away from me!

Lyra: oh whatever I still got it first. And plus it wouldn't look good on you. You don't have the 'look' for it. *she walks away*

Clarissa: gggrrr! 😤*she was about to run after her but the floor opens and she falls in* ahhhh!
*with jessica at the swimming pool*

*lifeguard blows the whistle*

Lifeguard: Adult swim!

Jessica:*gets out of the water and go gets a snack and when she came back she bumped into someone* oh sorry I didnt see you there.

???: oh it's you!

Jessica: *gulps* oh no....*she looks up and found out it was Lin who she bumped into* oh just my luck.

Lin: who do you think you are just going around bumping into people like that huh? Are you blind!! Oh wait of course you are! Your not wearing your glasses! *as she yells at her she walks toward jessica and jessica walk backwards*

Jessica: I-I'm sorry! What do you want me to do?

Lin: oh I don't know you tell me. *she pushes jessica in the 7 feet part of the pool and walks away* mhp!

*as jessica fell in the water she tried to get out but a whirl pool sucked her in and ended up at woohp with her friends*

Girls: ooof!

Spies or heroes?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang