Secret revealed?

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*with Brittany and Clarissa*

Brittany: *looks up* oh look! There helicopters everywhere!

Clarissa: there the news crew. Follow that helicopter they'll probably lead us to the others!

*as they follow the helicopter they see crowd of people *

Brittany: what's going on here?

Person #1: there's a girl in there! In the pile of rocks and we are trying to help her.

*Clarissa and Brittany pushes people out of the way to see who it is and saw that it was melody*

Brittany: *gasps* MELODY!

*Clarissa runs to Melody and helps her out*

Melody: guys! Thank goodness your here! I can't feel my leg and jessica is in trouble!

Clarissa: yeah we heard some of the ghosts saying that the ghost king is looking for her!

Brittany: * confused* why are they looking for jessica?

*as they were talking they tried to move the cement off of melody*

Clarissa: it's a long story but first we need to find jessica and quick!

Melody: how!? I can't walk!!

Clarissa: Brittany, take melody's arm and I'll take the other and we'll drag her.

Brittany: uh ok

Melody: no I'll slow you down!

Clarissa: we'll be fine melody!
Now let's look for jessica!

Melody: um I think we already found her... *she points to the ghosts that was holding jessica in the middle of the streets with the news crew recording everything on the helicopter*

Brittany: where is she? *gasps* they got the ghost girl!

Melody: JESSICA! *she calls for jessica but she couldn't hear her*

Skull crusher: the ghost king should be here soon. *as he said that, Amber and Vlad were holding her*

Jessie: *struggles to get off of them but failed* let me go!!

News crew: ladies and gentleman! With our very own eyes we see the ghost girl struggling for freedom from these three ghosts!

*they see the ghost king*

News crew: that must be the ghost king these ghosts were talking about!

Ghost king: hello Jessie it's good to finally meet you.

Jessie: *she stares and the ghost king in fear* h-h-how do you know m-me? And what do you w-want!? 😰

Ghost king: I heard that your the most powerful ghost in the ghost world.

Jessie: I am?

Ghost king: yes! Yes you are. And I want YOU to join me to rule the world. Beside, Since you are half human... you can help me find the humans weakness! To destroy them all!

Jessie: well I'm sorry but I-I don't want to join you.... 😥

Ghost king: I thought you would say that. So that's why I have a Plan B.

Jessie: huh? *she starts to panic*

Melody: I don't think this is going to be good.

Ghost king: skull crusher, use the little machine you got at that one building.

Skull crusher: you mean the ghost taser?

Ghost king: yes I heard that it cause harm when it touches a ghost.

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