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Jessica's POV

"It went by so fast. At first I thought my life literally flashed before my eyes when I saw the light turn on, and felt an excruciating pain go through my body, from head to toe. And after the pain passed I tried my best to walk out of the portal that Maximus threw me in. But it hard for me to do so. Everything was burry and slowly turning black. When I felt my body hit the ground I heard mumbling noises like someone was trying to talk to me. I tried to look at whoever was talking to me saying something and when I realized it was Clarissa, everything went black. "

"Everything is dark. And I felt myself lying on something soft which I think is a bed. A hospital bed, because I hear beeping noise right beside me. I tried to open my eyes and all of a sudden I huge pain rushed through my head as I tried to open them. When my eyesight became clear I realize that I was in the hospital. But there's no one here"

*she sees a nurse walk in*

Nurse: Oh your awake let me check how everything is going with you. So first let's check if your heart is okay.

"I didn't say anything I just nodded and let the nurse do her thing"

Nurse: I'll tell your friends that your awake

Jessica: ... okay....
"My throat is so dry"

*she sees Jerry come in*

Jerry: oh thank goodness! your alright Jessica! We were so worried about you.

Jessica: *smiles sheepishly* um w-well sorry for worrying you guys.. 😅

Jerry: melody and Clarissa are on their way. They had To go home.

Jessica: h-how long have I been asleep?

Jerry:........uhhh well...... 2 days....

Jessica: *shocked* 2 days!?

Jerry: yes......

"I can't believe it. I was unconscious for two days. Whoa"

*they hear a knock At the door and it was melody and Clarissa*

Melody and Clarissa: jessica! Your awake!!!

*they ran up to her and gave her a big hug*

Clarissa: oh God Jessica! You almost gave us a heart attack!

Melody: we were so worried! We know......

Jessica: oh! 😲 um I'm okay now...

Clarissa: how are you feeling?

Jerry: yes how are you feeling? Do you feel different? Any pain?

Jessica: well at first when I woke up I had a huge headache but now it's gone. I feel perfectly fine actually.

Melody: that's good. Maybe you can go home today.

Jessica: OH MY GOD! Do my parents know what happened!!? *starts panicking that made the heart monitor go faster*

Jerry: yes calm down. I only told them that you are fine. I didn't tell them what happened.
Which I've been meaning to ask. What did happen? I just went to get you girls to the hospital and I didn't get the chance to ask what happened.

Melody and Clarissa: uhh well you see what had happened was...... 😓

Clarissa: from my point of view I was fighting with one of Maximus's henchmen and I think that when I kicked him in the face he stumbled backward and bumped Into Maximus and I just saw the light from the machine turn on and saw sparks all over the place and heard jessica scream.... *shivers* i could still hear her scream...... 😰

Melody: yeah same with me but I actually saw Jessica try to stop Maximus since he was out in the open. And she wasn't doing anything. Then I saw him throw her into the machine...

Jerry: I see....

*the nurse comes in*

Nurse: good news. You can leave today.

Jessica: yay!

Nurse: but first we need you to sign some papers.

Jerry: I'll sign them.

Jessica: wait Jerry. Aren't my parents gonna sign that.

Jerry: don't worry about that jessica I've got this.

Jessica: um okay.
*walking around the park*

Melody: do you need to sit down jessica? I mean we've been walking for a while now.

Jessica: im fine guys! Really I am.

Clarissa: I hope so.

Jessica: *sigh* and I thought I worry too much.

Clarissa: hey! We are traumatized alright!

Jessica: yeah, and I'm not? I'm the one who almost died...... 😐

Melody: okay can we stop talking about this? It only gives me bad flashbacks.

Jessica: yeah sure. I don't want to remember the pain.

Clarissa: alright.

*it started to get late and the girls went home*

*with jessica*

Jessica: *sigh* ma I'm home.

Mom: que te pasó?! (What happened!)

Jessica: como te que me pasó? (what do you mean what happened?)

Mom: tu jefe me dijo que algo te pasó en uno de tu mission. (Your boss told me something happened to you)

Jessica: 😅 ohh persona que estábamos buscando me agarro y me electro. (Oh it's just that the person we were looking for kind of electrocuted me)

Mom: aye! Pues ten cuidado! Me asustas! (Oh be careful! You scared me to death!)  *smacks her head*

Jessica: Ay! perdoname ma. Yo no puedo controlar las cosas que pasan. (Ow! Sorry mom but i cant control the things that happens)

*jessica goes to her room*

Jessica: *sigh* a lot has happen the last few days.. *she looks in the mirror and saw herself look different* huh? What the heck!! *she looks closer in the mirror and realizes she that insead of brown hair she has black and also saw how her outfit is different. And looks pale* okay.... um I-I- I don't have green eyes! O-or pitch b-black hair! Why do I look so pale!? *jessica panics and walked backwards* what happen to me!? *she finds herself sinking Into the floor* oh my!! *breathing heavily* oh my god! Ahhhhh! *manages to get off the floor and she crashed Into the wall and slid herself to the floor and put her knees to her chest and put her arms around her knees* oh my god... am I a G-G-Ghost??? *she gets up and sees that her eyes were back to brown, her hair was back to brown and she wasn't as pale anymore*
Phew! What happened? 😰😰

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