last day of school

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* one week later the girls were on their last day of seventh grade*

* the last day of school and the girls are leaving the school*

Clarissa: yes!!!! Finally!!! Just one more year of middle school and we become high schoolers!! Whooo! *throws her hands in the air in excitement*

Melody: I wonder what new challenges I'm gonna face in 8th grade.

Jessica: im gonna miss seventh grade. I loved my classes and my teachers. I actually made a new friend this year!

Clarissa: wow! That's your record. Wait. How many friends did you make?

Melody: only one! 😯

Jessica: hey! I dont usually make friends! It's hard for me okay!  *makes a pouty face*

Clarissa: you need to open up girl! *pushes jessica foward* Stop being so shy!

Jessica: *Stops walking and turns around to face her friends*  easier for you to say. Your a loudmouth. You yell in the hallways and always go up to random people and you just magically become friends with them at that moment.

Melody: that's actually true. You are pretty loud Clarissa.

Clarissa: whatever! *kept on walking*

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