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*at school*

*lunch time*

Melody:*sigh* *playing with her food with her head down*

Nim:*chewing* 😕

Clarissa:*on her phone*

Brittany: *sitting down looking at her food*

*as students passed by they stare at the girls and wonder why they are very quiet*

Lyra: ugh! I can't believe I'm saying this but what is wrong with you girls!? You've been very quiet all day! Everybody at school wants to know why?

Clarissa: *sigh* " keep yourself together Clarissa....just ignore her and maybe she'll go away"

Lyra: well!? Hello!?

Clarissa:*she gets up and walks away*

Lyra: that's very strange. She usually yells at me.....

Brittany:*annoyed* 😒 can you PLEASE! Leave us alone....

Lyra: ugh fine. *walks away*

Clarissa:*comes back* thank you for that. I did not feel like dealing with her today....

*bell rings*

*the girls go to class*

*the teacher talking*

*the girls are taking notes and listening to the teacher*

Melody:*sigh* 😔

Nim: 😔

*bell rings*

Brittany: I guess finals start tomorrow...

Melody: yup...

*as they walk they see Lin walk up to them*

Lin: aww did you lose your mommy?

Girls: 😠

Lin: what's wrong with you four? Where's my punching bag?

Clarissa: SHES AT THE HOSPITAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🗣

*everybody looks at them and murmurs*

Nim: *trying to hold her tears back*

Melody: 😣

Brittany: 😖

Clarissa:*voice cracking* she's-she's at the hospital....*sniffs*

Lin: oh? Really?

Students: why? what happened? Is she okay? How long is she going to be gone?

Clarissa: we d-don't know .......w-when she's coming b-b-back.......s-she's f-fallen Into a c-c-c-co-ma...*a tear falls down her cheek as she tries to talk*

Students: *gasps*

*the girls walk away*
*with Nim at her apartment*
Nim: *sigh**shes on her kitchen table trying to study for finals* ugh! I can't concentrate! 😣 *she stands up and walks to the fridge and gets a juice box**sigh* I think I should just stop studying for today... I'll um just wing it tomorrow. I'm going to bed..
*with melody*
*in her room studying*

*knock knock*

Melody: come In!

*mom opens door*

Mom: hey you hungry?

Melody: yeah.

Mom: you want me to bring something?

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