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*9:00am in Switzerland*

*the girls and Martin are on a roof spying on the team with their binoculars*

Melody: *looking through the binoculars*

Martin: they look like normal athletes to me.

Melody: we need to talk to these people and find out more. Nim you pretend to be a reporter, I'll pretend to be a trainer and Clarissa I need you to pretend to be part of one of their speed sledding team.

Clarissa: what!? But I'm not that type of girl!

Brittany: oh come on Clarissa you got this!

Martin: what about me and Brittany?

Melody: wait for us in our room.

Brittany: okay.

Melody: let's go!
*with nim*

Nim: "okay this person is doing the ski jump.... I just need to look for something out of the ordinary"

*the bell rings and the athlete zooms down and jumps, and as he was in the air his sleeves rip off and lands*

Nim:"okay that'll do" *she runs up to him* that was some jump! Mind if I get an interview?

Man: not at all. Man I must be going faster than I thought.

Nim: that or your pumping a little too much iron lately.

Man: actually I don't work out.

Nim: *eyes widen in shock* don't work out? How can that be? Your an Olympic athlete.

Man: I just have really good coaching. I should really get fitted to another uniform before my next jump. *he leaves*

Nim: 😐
*with melody sitting on the bleachers in an ice skating rink*

Melody: "okay let's see what weird and strange about these people while they skate"

*as she sees them skate, everything was perfectly fine*

Melody:"okay.. nothing unusual here"

*as she says that she sees the girl get a cramp and falls*

Melody: *she gets up and goes over to help and grabs some sort of pain relief cream and put it on the girl* whoa! That was some nice moves! You must practice a lot!

Girl: not really.

Melody:*confused* then... how'd you get so good?

Girl: I have a great coach. Actually he just taught us this routine just yesterday. I was scared I wouldn't get it right but he promised that everything will be fine. And it is!

Melody:*as she was putting on the cream on the bump on her back, she saw the bump was moving* "ugh!" Mm?

Girl: is everything alright?

Melody:*sees that the bumps disappeared* uh. Everything is f-fine. How are you feeling?

Girl: much better! Thanks! *she skates away*

Melody: 😷 "What!?"
*with Clarissa wearing a jumpsuit walking towards the team warming up for the speed sledding*

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