two weeks later

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* two weeks later the girls have been really busy with missions that include people trying to get revenge on them and stuff*

*at the mall the girls are finally having a break. They are at the cafeteria*

Clarissa: ugh I'm so tired.. *puts her head down*

Melody: yea same here. We've been going on so many missions lately!

Jessica: yeah....

Clarissa: *Glares at Jessica* I bet that mission we had last week would be so much easier if JESSICA didn't turn off the alarm!

Jessica: hey! I tripped! What did you want me to do! Stop myself from falling in mid air! *slouches on her chair*

Melody: guys stop it! It's over we are done with that mission!

Jessica: yeah thank goodness I thought it would never end.

Clarissa: yeah it took us 3 days to finish that mission.

Melody: not to mention that we didn't sleep at all during those three days! *yawn* I'm still trying to catch up on my sleep.

Clarissa: omg! Remember that one mission that jessica totally ruin the plan of catching that bad guy with the net by accidentally using our gadget on us instead!

Jessica: h-hey! It's not my fault I honesty thought it was facing the bad guy not us! 🙁

Melody: Clarissa. Stop making jessica feel bad.

Clarissa: heh sorry.

Jessica: you better be sorry. *mumbles* Not my fault I'm clumsy.

*the girls are in the car on their way home*

*at home 3:40 pm*

Melody: ahh home sweet home!

Clarissa: So what did your mom make?

Melody: *Shrugs* I don't know yet. I think she doesn't even know herself.

Jessica: how does she not know?

Melody: well she was the one who picked us up from the mall.

*all of a sudden they see a helicopter above them and lands and they see Jerry*

Girls: Jerry?

Jerry: hello girls.

Clarissa: oh no! Do we have another mission?

Jerry: yes actually you do. Somebody got attacked last night at their home and is very injured. Right now she is at home now resting. And I need you girls to find out what and why.

Melody: okay!

*at the lady's house*

*rings the doorbell and door opens*

Lady: um yes? Can I help you?

Melody: oh hi! I'm melody and these are my friends and we heard that your friend was attacked last night and called for help?

Lady: oh yes. She's upstairs in her room I'll let her know your here. Come on in.

Melody: okay.

*the lady leads the girls to the living room and went to get her friend*

Clarissa: I wonder what could the reason be that caused him/her to attack this lady....

Jessica: i don't know.

*the lady comes back*

Lady: okay she's in her room I told her that you guys are here so you can go to her room now.

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