back to school

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* the whole summer Jerry took them on vacation on a cruise and now summer is over and now the girls are going on their first day of school*

Clarissa: ugh! It's that time of year! We have to go back to school *cross her arms and frowns*

Jessica: *sigh* yeah but at least I had fun at the cruise ship.

Melody: yeah. I finally got the chance to relax and read my book.

Jessica: I was swimming in the pool most of the time.

Clarissa: yeah I got the chance to see a lot of cute guys.

Melody: yeah... thats not surprising.

Clarissa: whatever.

Melody: well here's the start of 8th grade year. 🤗
*school ends*

Melody: whooo! First day of school and I got homework!

Clarissa: nooo! How do we have homework already! *whines*

Jessica: you guys have homework? I don't have any..

Clarissa: how come?! we almost have the same classes together!

Jessica: um... Clarissa we only have lunch together.

Clarissa: oh right. I thought-

Jessica: -well you thought wrong. You probably mixed me with some of your other friends who you do have in all of your classes.

Clarissa: probably.

*while they were walking jessica tripped and accidentally bumps into someone causing the person to spill their drink on their shirt*

Girl: hey! Watch it!

Jessica: oh! I-I am s-so s-s-sorry! I-I didn't mean to bump into you.

Girl: you better be sorry! Do you know who i am!! I am Lin! No one 0ushes me on purpose and gets aeay with it! cause the last time someone bumped into me I made sure she didn't! And lets just say she's eating through a straw these days! *she gives jessica a cold look*

Jessica: o-oh o-o-okay ............,..,heh I'm g-gonna g-go now....   *she quickly walks away as melody and Clarissa runs to catch up to her*

Clarissa: jessica! Why did you let her push you around like that?

Jessica: I-I don't know I was not expecting that. *as she walked she tightly hugs her books with the look of distressed* I didn't want any trouble.

Melody: well it's over now and everything is okay.

Jessica: I hope so.

* while passing by the lockers one locker suddenly opens and a gust of wind came out of nowhere and pulls the girls inside the locker and they ended up at woohp*

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