Escape woohp

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*clarissa dean and Martin are running down the halls and went to the hall where the room jessica is held in and saw the three men banging on the ice and the ran back to hide*

Clarissa: No! we're too late!

Martin: it looks like she escaped!

Dean: she could be anywhere!

Martin: I hope the guy hasn't gotten to her yet.

Clarissa: I hope not! The last two times weren't pretty, I'm pretty sure it's gonna be ugly this time too!

Martin: the "last two times!"?

Dean: are you saying that the person who's attacking woohp right now as attacked jessica before?

Clarissa: yes! He used to work for Jerry! Ever since Jessica got her powers, a lot of ghosts escaped the portal and so it was his job to capture them all! Until he found out Jessica was one and he tried to capture her too since he really hates ghosts cause ghosts killed his family when he was younger.

Martin: but wasn't jessica born Human?

Clarissa: yes!

Dean: if he knew Jessica was human why did he attack her?

Clarissa: he doesn't care if your half ghost or not. For him a ghost is a ghost. And that all ghosts are bad!

Martin: what a jerk!

Clarissa: let's go find Jessica!

*with jessica walking around the halls*

Jessica:" Okay im getting tired and my back hurts from the surgery.. I need to sit down.." *winces as she walks*

???: tired?

Jessica:*gasps*  *turns around and sees Tom* T-Tom? H-how did you f-find m-me?

Tom: did you forget I use to work here? I saw you through the cameras. Oh and your friends are looking for you. Clarissa and two other guys I don't know. Are they new? They seem new.

Jessica: shut up! What do you want!? Are you still with that ''must kill ghosts"!?

Tom: as a matter a fact, yes I am. Ghosts are bad!

Jessica: but I was born human! If it wasn't for me getting into that accident you wouldn't even got hired from Jerry!! 😠

Tom: yeah yeah.... but you also got me fired.

Jessica: hey! You chose to come after me! I didn't do anything!

Tom: whatever! I despise ghosts!

Jessica: oh yeah! What did I ever do to you!? I'm not the one who killed your family! It was a different ghosts! Your just looking for someone to blame!

Tom: shut up! 😡 or I'll shoot!

Jessica: GO AHEAD! It wouldn't be the first time!

Tom: huh?

Jessica: why must everybody hate me!? All I do is treat everybody nicely and all I get is...hatred!

Tom: .....😳

Jessica: ugh! When I first met you I was being nice and introduced myself! And all you did was scoff at me! And I though you were just stressed out! But noooooo!!!! You knew I was a ghost and didn't give me a chance!

??: Jessica! Tom!?

*they both realized it was Clarissa and the other two*

Tom: well hello Clarissa. Long time no see.

Clarissa: well it has been two years...

Jessica: yeah! Last time he kidnapped me! *breathing heavily trying not to attack Tom* 😠

Tom: *points the ghost gun to Jessica* don't come closer Clarissa or else....

Jessica: 😡 go ahead! Shoot me! I'm done! I'm done being the nice girl.

Tom: alright! I will!

*Tom gets his gun ready and hesitant*

Jessica: well!?

Tom: *he shoots and hits jessica on the side but she just stands there*

Jessica:*winces at the pain* well there you go. You got your wish!

Clarissa: Jessica! You okay!?

Jessica: no Clarissa. Im not. I've been shot.... I'm bleeding...and my back hurts.

Clarissa: oh Jessica!

Jessica: *coughs up blood* at least my grave is already been digged for you. Just put me in it and your done. You already had a funeral for me....😒😒😒

Tom: huh? What are you talking about?

Clarissa:*walks toward to jessica* just let me take you to the medical room.

Jessica: why? There's no one here to help me.... and you guys have no medical experience. 😒

*Martin walked away and called melody*

Jessica: .....*she looks down at her feet and sobs* 😭

Clarissa: *with tears in her eyes* jessica....

*she sees Jessica fall to the floor. It made Clarissa and dean run after her and Tom was just standing there confused*

*Martin comes back and sees Jessica on the floor*

Martin: J-Jessica? *he got angry and attacked Tom* this is your fault!

Clarissa: stay with me jessica! Stay strong!

Jessica: *cough**cough*

Dean:*putting pressure on where she was shot at*

Jessica: well..*cough* Tom....*cough* you won.... happy now?...*cough**cough*

Tom: uhhh y-yeah..oof! *Martin punched him in the face*

*while all that was happening a blur came and took everybody away except Tom and he saw Melody, Martin, Dean, Clarissa, and Brittany*

Tom: huh? Melody? Clarissa? Where's Jessica? And where did you guys come from?

Melody: Jessica's somewhere far away from you. And these other people are Jessica's friends. You think ghosts are 'bad' then how about werewolves and speedsters?

Tom: what are you talking about?

Clarissa: Jessica isn't the only one who's been in accidents. *her eyes start glowing yellow and starts growling showing her fangs*

Melody: *she uses her speed to grab everybody from Tom's army and put them in front of Tom unconscious*

Tom: what? You-and your-

Clarissa: don't even try shooting us. It won't work on us. We also have the ability to heal fast.

Tom: oh really? *he takes out his regular gun and shot Clarissa right in the chest and hits melody in the side but they just stood there walking toward him* what!? How!?

*Clarissa attacks Tom while Melody uses her speed to get Jerry to woohp so he can arrest him*

Jerry: oh Tom?

Tom:*sigh* .....Jerry...😒

*jerry walks up to Tom and puts handcuffs on him, and took him away*

Clarissa: ugh! That hurt! *as she rubs her chest where she was shot*

Melody: no argument there....ow...

Brittany: so??...what now...?

Martin: we go to the hospital and see our friends!

Melody: good idea! Let's go!

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