A spy is born part 5

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The girls got out of the train. "I'm glad that's over." Melody said in relief.  Clarissa gets off the train, "phew!!! That was too close!"  When they calmed down a bit, Marco called then. Melody rolls her eyes and answered him. "What now!?" She hissed.

"Nice job girls! Now here your next clue. Hickory dickory dock, the spies are racing the clock, Colorado is where you find the key that'll lead you to where jessica will be. Good luck." He hangs up.

Melody sighs and puts her phone away, "here we go again."

Clarissa leans on the train, "I guess we should be going to Colorado."

"I won't be so sure about that."

Clarissa lifts one eyebrow in confusion. "what do you mean? Don't you want to find jessica?"

Thinking to herself. ".....dock the spies are racing the clock Colorado is where you find the key that'll lead you to where jessica will be..."🤔 gasps "Clarissa I think he's talking about the cruise ship Colorado!"


"Not the state Colorado! A ship called the Colorado! Let's go!" She takes out her jet pack backpack.

" I'm still not understanding..."

"Ill explain on the way. Let's go!"
the girls find the ship. "well here it is." Melody commented. "wow! now that's my kind of ship. If this is where Marco is keeping jessica then I hope I'm next in line to be kidnapped." Melody roll her eyes as Clarissa stares in awe at the ship.

*the girls get on board*

Clarissa: okay. If I was an evil film maker where would I hide?

Melody: my guess is below deck. Let's check it out!

*the girls run below deck*

Melody: let's spread out to cover more ground.

Clarissa: great idea I'll go this way.
*Runs off*
Jessica! Jessica! Are you here jessica!
*suddenly the walls closed in and water started leaking in. * Ahhhh *And Clarissa ran before the last wall closes up and makes it in time* phew! No sign of jessica in there!
Melody: * in the control room*

Clarissa: *runs in*

Melody: any luck?

Clarissa: *sigh* no *sees a key* but! Our luck may have changed. *pushes Melody out of the way and walks toward the key* remember the riddle? " Colorado is where you find the KEY that'll lead you to where jessica will be" this must be the key to the riddle! *reaches to turn on the key*

Melody: no Clarissa! Wait!

*Clarissa turns the key and an alarm went off*

Girls: huh?

*screen shows up with Marco*
Marco: nice job girls you just activated a missile. I just love explosions and big action scenes!

Clarissa: *Frowns and clenched her fists in anger* why couldn't your movie be a big romantic comedy instead!
*Clarissa start pressing buttons and trying to figure out how to cancel the missile from launching*

Marco: you don't really thing stopping the missile will be that easy don't you. 10 seconds till launch girls.

*Clarissa got annoyed that she punch the screen and broke it*

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