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Clarissa:"okay I see a lot of strangers from over there. I just need to get through"

*as she was hiding behind a wall she sees three men pass by and she went inside the room where they all came from and hid behind an old desk that was there*

?????: Did you find her?

??:No sir but we did find three of our men locked up in a closet unconscious...

?????: grrr! Keep looking! And whoever tries to stop you just shoot them!

??:yes sir.

?????: I will find you Jessica!

Clarissa:"..that voice... it sounds familiar!"

*when the strange man turned around and saw that it was Tom*

Clarissa:*gasps!* 😮 "I need to get out of here and find jessica! And fast!"
*with Dean, Martin, and Jessica*

Martin: I'll go check it out.

Dean: I'll come with you.

Martin: but what about Jessica?

Jessica: don't worry about me. Just lock the door. And even if the baddies do get in here I can always turn invisible so they won't see me.

Martin: you sure?

Jessica: yes! Now go!

Martin: okay.

*Dean and Martin leave the room to find out where the noise came from*

*with Jerry and the others at the hospital*

Nim: *groans*

Lily: oh hi sweetie. How're you feeling?

Nim: well.. my stomach hurts......

Lily: the doctor said that is normal. You were shot in the stomach so it's going to hurt for a while.

Jerry: so what happen!?

Melody: I don't know Jerry but I can't let you go to woohp! Its dangerous!

Jerry: Im a spy melody. I know how to take care of myself.

Melody: but we don't even know who's behind it!

Jerry: who's inside?

Melody: uh Martin, Dean, jessica, and Clarissa.

Jerry: where Brittany?

Melody: at home. She has no clue about this. I called her to come here to the hospital. She should be here soon.

Jerry: *sigh* Nim?

Nim: mm?

Jerry: what happened?

Nim: well... my mom and I decided to visit Jessica and when we got there Clarissa and Martin were already there and told us that Brittany, melody and dean were on a mission and then we heard the alarm go off and two men burst Into the room. With big huge Guns. And then me and Clarissa attacked but I got shot.....

Melody: oh my God!

Lily: I was scared to death!

Nim: but I'm okay mom.

Lily: you sure are! Next time do not go after people like that unless you have a plan!

Nim: okay okay. So Brittany is at home you say?

Melody: yeah

??:im here!!! What happened!? Who's hurt!? It better not be jessica!!!

Jerry: Brittany calm down. It's not Jessica it's Nim who got hurt and she's going to be fine.

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