June 13-14

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Scott: okay everybody is getting everything ready.

Clarissa: am I still going to be you bodyguard?

Scott: yes. You and Miranda.

*miranda comes in and punches Clarissa*

Miranda: hey girl!! We are going to be partners!

Clarissa:*rubbing her Arm* ow!!!

Miranda: okay what's the plan!

Scott: you two are just going to stand outside and attack when the enemy is near.

Miranda: got it!

Clarissa: that's it!?

Scott: yes. Everybody else will be fighting in battle. While jessica takes Derek to the enemies leader.

Clarissa: okay.. I guess...
*two hours later*


*they hear howling*

Scott: is time. Everyone get ready!!! 🗣

Derek: jessica let's go!

Jessica: uh o-okay!

Clarissa: good luck jessica!!

Jessica: 👍🏼😬. I hope this go well.
*she follows Derek*

Scott: okay Miranda, Clarissa stand guard.

Miranda: yes sir!!

Clarissa: uh what she said.

Scott: everybody!!! ATTACK!!!!!

*as he said that everybody started running and Scott went back Into the tent*

Scott: you ready Clarissa?

Clarissa: well I don't have much of a choice... heh 😰

Scott: oh well. *howls*

Carissa: why you howling?

Scott: it's Jessica's cue to take Derek.

Clarissa: oh....

Jessica: who's howling?

Derek: that's our cue! Come on!

Jessica: oh!! *turns to ghost and grabs Derek and started flying over the battle field invisible*

Derek: whoa this is awesome!

Jessica: yup!! So where the leader?

Derek: just keep going straight. I'll tell you when we're there.
*hears a lot of screaming*

Clarissa: oh my god!

Miranda: yup! Lots of werewolves screaming in pain. Music to my ears!

Clarissa: oh God....good thing I'm just the bodyguard.

*they hear growling coming closer*

Miranda: get ready Clarissa! Remember our training!! Turn into a wolf! And you'll do great!!!

Clarissa: okay! *growls*

*a werewolf from the other pack jumps at Miranda but she uses her claws to stab him*


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