Ghost attack at school

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*one month later*
*at lunch the girls are eating and jessica feels better and Lin is back*

Jessica: *chomp* *chomp**munch*


Melody: *munch*

Brittany: *drink her juice*

*Jessica's Ghost sense went off*

Jessica:  😳uh girls we have a problem.

*someone threw a glass of milk on jessica and got her shirt wet*


Jessica: ...*groans* make that 2 problems...

*Lin walks up to them*

Lin: I'm back! And guess what!? I got my punching bag back!

Jessica: uhh-

*a ghost came up and scared everybody*

Clarissa: hey Brittany! You help everybody get out and we'll deal with the ghost!

Brittany: okay! Let's hope Jessie the ghost girl comes and helps us!

*they go their separate ways*

*the girls follows the ghost to the kitchen*

Ghost: i have been sent here to find the ghost kid!

Jessica: *looks if anyone is around*
Okay I guess I should be going ghost. *she turns into a ghost*

Ghost: *gasps* it's you!

Jessie: yup!!

Ghost: *uses telepathy and throws all the cups and plates at the girls*

Clarissa: ahh! *she dodges all of them*

Melody: *hides behind the Jessie*

Jessie: w-why are hiding behind me?

Melody: well your the ghost aren't you. Your suppose to be protecting us!

Jessie: true.

*as they dodge Lyra runs past them and sees jessie*

Lrya: OH MY GOD! It's the ghost girl!!

Brittany:*pushes lyra* move it! Everybody has to get out!

Lyra: *rolls her eyes at Brittany*
I don't need to take orders from you! 🙄

Brittany: suit yourself *leaves Lyra behind and Lyra ran after her*

Lyra: 😮 wait! I was kidding!
*with the girls*

Ghost: *it goes up to melody and shoots the refrigerator at her*

*melody dodges it and the ghost follows her but Jessie gets in her way*

Jessie: leave her alone! *without trying she accidentally turned back to human*

Melody: 🤦🏻‍♀️

Jessica: That wasn't suppose to happen....

*the ghost pushes them against the wall and was going to take jessica away when Clarissa used the container to catch her*

Melody: phew! that was close!

Jessica: where did you get the container?

Clarissa: I got two the day you were attacked just in case something like this would happen.

*Brittany came in running*

Brittany: is everyone okay?

Melody: yes!

Brittany: okay good. *panting* jeez! a lot....of.....people.....didn't....want to...... leave.......they stay....and tape......everything......but I had to......push order to......get them out....... *she puts her hands on her knees* 😰

Jessica: 🤗 you did a good job though.

Brittany: ...thanks... did the ghost girl leave?

Clarissa: yeah you just missed her.

Brittany: aww I wanted to talk to her. I'm her big fan 😅

Melody and Clarissa: aw! Hehe *they both look at jessica*

Jessica: 😬

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