Plan in action

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*at the Washington Monument, Clarissa and Brittany is taking the 'prisoner' to the monument while Jessica and Nim are invisible*

*inside the monument they girls are waiting*

Clarissa:*whispers* what's taking him so long...

*he suddenly showed up*

??:give him to me.

Brittany: hold on. Where's the presidents daughter?

*the mystery man show them a live footage on his device showing the girl tied up in a closet*

??: you get the girl on your way up while I take the prisoner down.

*as melody tried to go up the stairs, she trips and falls revealing herself*

Melody: ahh!

???: what is this!!!!

Melody: it's time for you to go to prison!

??:*runs up the stairs, and started throwing smoke bombs*

Clarissa: watch out!!!

*they all duck*

Melody:*grabs her phone* jessica! Nim! He's going your way!!! Get him!!
jessica: okay!

*nim and Jessica see him coming and taking A girl out of a closet*

Nim: there he is with the presidents  daughter!! 

*jessica flies to him and grabs him*

??: hey!!

Nim: *goes up to Maddison and untied her* it's going to be okay.

Maddison: *hugs nim* thank you! thank you! thank you!!

Jessica: melody we got him!

Melody: okay we are coming right up.

*the girls come up*

Melody: oh thank goodness your okay.

Maddison: I didn't know you guys know the ghost girl.

Jessica: wait. You didn't recognize me?

Maddison: *sniff* what do you mean?

Nim: we are the ones who are babysitting you.

*jessica and Nim change back*

Maddison: *gasps* like I said I always get told what to do. I don't really see the news or anything. But thank you!! You guys saved me!!!

Brittany: okay let's take you back to the White House.

Melody: I'll call Jerry and see if he can get someone down here to take this guy to prison.
*in the Oval Office*

President: well what can I say girls. But Thank You very much for saving my daughter.

Girls: no problem.

President: and Jerry thank you for bringing them here.

Jerry: you are very welcome sir.

Maddison: *walks up to the girls* I just wanted to say sorry for how I treated you guys. You guys are cool. Thank you.

Melody: thank you. We are also sorry.

Jessica: yeah it's okay. It wasn't that bad.

Clarissa: uh huh...

President: Jerry I want to promote you to be my number one agent. The one agent who I can always call on when I need help. And I want you to bring your five girls with you.

Jerry: Thank you sir!! 😁

President: well I got to go. Good-bye.

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