a spy is born part 2

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with jessica with the kidnapper looking at her broken phone on the floor. "H-hey! You-you broke my phone!" Said stuttered as she tried to get free.

"well too bad. I can't have you ruin my plan."

Jessica looks down at her feet not giving the kidnapper eye contact in fear. "...w-what do you want anyway? Why did you-you kidnap me?"

"well I am movie director and I wanted to make movies about spies! But the people who I tried to work with never appreciated my hard work and thought my props weren't appropriate! So I was banned from making movies! But I didn't give up I decided to use actual spies to make my movie so I heard about this WOOHP. The secret agency. So I went to do a little spying of my own and sneaked inside of woohp to see which spies I can use for my movie."

Jessica was still looking down, "so.... your g-gonna use me..?" She asked.

"shut up! let me finish!" As the kidnapper yelled he walked up to Jessica and kicked her broken phone into pieces making jessica flinch.

"When I saw you and your friends....." he bends down and grabs her faces making her face him. "..You guys were perfect. I chose to kidnap you cause well....I mean look at you. Your what? 9 years old."

Jessica sighs in annoyance. ".....13!!!" 😒

The kidnapper looks at her up and down, "oh wow your scrawny and short how did you become a spy?"

Jessica looks up at him clearly not as scared as before and thinks, "I-I don't know.. honestly." She said confused wondering the same thing.

"whatever. I want your friends to come for you so I can make my movie so.. " He walks up to her and covers her mouth with tape. "well if you'll excuse me I have to have a little chat with your friends."

with melody and Clarissa

"oh my god!! Jessica has been kidnapped! We've got to do something!" Clarissa exclaimed.

Melody puts her phone back in her bag. "we have to get to woohp!"

After she said that the floor opens and the girls fall in. And ended up at woohp.

Clarissa quickly gets up from the couch and runs up by jerry's desk. "Jerry! Thank goodness you brought us here!!!!"

"I know what happened." Jerry said as he stands up.

Melody looked at jerry in surprise, "you do?"

"yes I know that Jessica has been kidnapped. I just got a message on the phone that she was kidnapped this morning." on jerrys desk there was a red button blinking. "Mm? Oh I have another message." He presses the  button. And the man shows up on screen behind Jerry with Jessica behind the kidnapper

"hey. Its jessica!" Melody exclaims

Clarissa looks at the screen, "yeah! If you hurt her I swear I will kill you!!!"

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Marco. A movie director... " he tells them everything that he told Jessica.

Melody Frowns, "your not going to get away with this! "

"well how about I give you a riddle. Roses are red violets are blue. The same two colors of your next clue. If you head to the station you'll be on the right track and you might even get your friend jessica back. Good luck girls. We're waiting!"
the camera shows the kidnapper pulling the chair that Jessica was in away from view.

*ends message*

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