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* the next day*

*at the school cafeteria, the girls are sitting down eating their lunches*





*lin walks up to them and slams her hand on the table.*

Lin: hey dweebs!

Nim:*sniffs* what do you want?

Lin: why are you so bum? Where's my punching bag?

Nim:*after hearing Lin ask for jessica she started balling her eyes out*

Lin: *confused* what's the matter with you?

Clarissa: *stands up* back off!

Brittany: jessica.... isn't coming back.

Lin: why not!?

Melody: long story.

Lin: come on you can tell me.

Clarissa: leave us alone! 😠 she's never coming back! What part of that do you not understand!

Brittany: Clarissa calm down... 🙁

Clarissa: no! How can I when this jerk treats Jessica like garbage. she never did anything to her!!

Lin: 😒😒

Clarissa: she was the most innocent person ever who doesn't like to have any trouble but look what that got her guys!! Do you want to be like that! No! I'm going to defend her!

Brittany: *slams her hands on the table as she stands up* defend her!? She's gone Clarissa! How can you defend her!? 😤😤

*the two girls started yelling so loud that everybody in the lunch room were staring*

Clarissa: by standing up to his jerk here! She's a bully!

Melody: Clarissa. She may be a bully but she's not the reason why she's gone. So don't get mad at her for her.... you know.... 🙁

Clarissa: 😠

Brittany: yeah! Just because your defending her doesn't mean you'll bring her back! She's gone! Shes freakin dead!!!

Clarissa: I know that!!!! I was there when she died!

Brittany: WE were ALL there when she died!!!

Lin: wait hold up!

Clarissa:*ignored Lin* I know that Brittany!

Melody: *getting irritated* then why are you still yelling!?

Clarissa: *sigh* I....I wish I could have helped her....

Melody: we all wish we helped Clarissa.

Brittany: *voice cracking* but we didn't k-know....

Nim: the nightmares....

Melody: the lack of sleep.....

Brittany: the pain...

Clarissa: the...attacks....

Brittany: we should have seen the signs.....*sits back down and puts her head down*

Clarissa: it was right in front of us and we didn't even paid attention...

Nim: her hair was messed up.... the bags under her eyes.

Melody: falling asleep in class...

Brittany: *mumbles* the way she leaves us in a hurry....... 😭😭

Clarissa: what kind of friends were we!!!! Not to mention I saw her hand bandaged up!

Melody: her hand?

Clarissa: yeah! I asked her what happened and she told me that it was a long story.

Brittany: *quickly lifts up her head* and you didn't ask!?

Clarissa: I know!!!

Nim: it doesn't matter now. She's gone. We are too late.... 😞

*melody's phone started to ring*

Melody: *sniffs* huh? *she grabs her phone and answers* h-hello?

Brittany: who is it?

Lin:*she walks up to Nim* so what happened?

Nim: I don't want to talk about it.

Lin: come on. Everybody at school heard your little argument. They all want to know.

Clarissa: leave us alone Lin. Or else! 😠

Lin: whatever. *she walks away*

Melody: that was Jerry...

Brittany: what did he say?

Melody: he wants us to go to woohp after school.

Brittany: oh okay.

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