a spy is born

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It's been 6 months since the girls have become spies and they've been going to plenty of missions. Jerry and the girls have gotten close. They became like family. And now it's may and it's almost for school to end. The girls are now 13.

Clarissa and melody enter the classroom.
"omg can't you believe we have one more week of school!?" Clarissa exclaims as she puts her backpack in her seat. "I know. Im gonna miss seventh grade."

"girl please! Im ready to get out of here!"
she sits down while Melody stood there next to her with a confused look. "Thats weird where's Jessica?
She's always here before us." Clarissa Looks around, "I don't know maybe she's out sick or something."

"true. But.....even if she is sick. She is always here. Sick or not." Her phone starts ringing and she takes it out of her bag. "huh speaking of the devil jessica is facetiming me." answers her phone and see jessica in a strange room tied up to a chair

"help!!!!! Ahhhhhh!" call has been cut off

Melody and Clarissa eyes widen "Jessica!??"

Spies or heroes?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora