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*around 9:30 everybody woke up except jessica*

Clarissa: *yawns* psst! Blaine! Wake up!

Blaine: huh?

Clarissa: im hungry lets go get breakfast.

Blaine: oh *yawns* okay. You want McDonalds?

Clarissa: no. Let's go to the cafeteria. They have really good food!

Blaine: there's a cafeteria here?

Clarissa: yeah. Follow me.

*in the cafeteria, Blaine and Clarissa find melody and Brittany inside*

Clarissa: hey guys!

Brittany: *munching on her food*  mmmm! 👋👋👋👋

Melody: chew and swallow Brittany and then say hi.

Brittany: *swallows* heh... sorry.

Blaine: 😂 oh wow.

Clarissa: what did you guys eat?

Melody: I ate a blueberry muffin.

Brittany: eggs, yogurt, bacon, hash brown, apple juice, oatmeal, cereal, milk, chocolate milk... and I think that's it.

Clarissa: jeez Brittany!

Melody: it's weird. I have the power to run fast making me burn calories and making me very hungry and I don't even eat that much.

Blaine: Im gonna go get something you want anything?

Clarissa: for now just get me an apple.

Blaine: that's it?

Clarissa: yup! Now shoo! Get me my apple! 🙂

Blaine: okay.

*Blaine walks away*

Melody: so....

Brittany: is Jessica awake yet?

Clarissa: not yet.

Martin: hi guys! Oh! Bacon!  *he was going to take a piece of bacon from Brittany's plate but she smacks his hand*

Brittany: hands off the bacon!

Martin: ow! Jeez! Okay I'll go my own...  be right back guys.

Clarissa: 😂

Brittany: nobody! i mean nobody steals my food!

Melody: okay, okay we got it.

*Blaine comes back with a tray of scrambled eggs and bacon and gave Clarissa her apple*

Blaine: I'm back. here is your apple Clarissa.

Clarissa: thanks!

*Jerry comes in*

Jerry: hello everybody. did you all sleep well?

Melody: yes.

Brittany: *mouth full* mmm!!

Clarissa: yeah!

Blaine: yup!

Martin: *pops up from behind Jerry* yes! There are chocolate chip pancakes!

*Lily and Nim came in the cafe*

Nim: did i hear chocolate pancakes?

Lily: i think you did.

Nim: i should get some for Jessica. She loves chocolate chip pancakes.

Martin: oh!!! I'll get them for her!
*Martin ran into the kitchen, grabbed some pancakes, and ran back to the room*

Nim: 😐 well okay then.

Clarissa: what was all that about?

Blaine: I have no idea.

Lily: Nim im going to get breakfast. You want anything?

Nim: yes. But I'll come with you.

*with Jessica*

Jessica: *yawns* "ah...what time is it?"

*knock knock*

Jessica: uh hello?

Martin: it's me Martin. Can I come in?

Jessica: yeah sure.

*Martin comes in with the tray of chocolate chip pancakes*

Jessica: Are those chocolate chip pancakes? 🙂

Martin: yup! I got them for you! I heard that they were you favorite.

Jessica: they are! 😃

Martin: *gasps* "she's smiling! I've never seen her smile that big before!"

Jessica: uh...are you okay?

Martin: *he snaps out of his trance* huh? Oh y-yeah. S-sorry. * he hands jessica the tray*

Jessica: thanks!! *she started eating the pancakes*

Martin: I have never seen you so happy before. Well for a person who is kind of paralyzed...😕

Jessica: uh.. well I'm still a bit upset about that. But since I'm free from the demon... i don't care that im paralyzed. I'd rather be paralyzed then to be controlled by a demon. At least I'm not going crazy... or having nightmares... or having a huge migraine. Ive been through a lot so this sort of thing kind of isn't surprising. And besides, Jerry invented something for it. If it doesn't work then I'll be fine.

Martin: oh...

*jerry came in the room*

Jerry: hello Jessica. How are you?

Jessica: im doing great actually! 😁

Jerry: glad to hear it! You ready for the surgery?

Jessica: yes sir!

Jerry: oh okay!

*clarissa comes in with Brittany*

Clarissa: hey guys! Hey Jessica!!! You are awake!

Jessica: yup! And I'm about to go in to surgery.

Brittany: really!

Jessica: yup!

Jerry: yes. Speaking of which the nurses are here to take you.

Jessica: wish me luck guys.

Martin: Good Luck!

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