Musicians part 1

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one year later the girls are now in seventh grade and are 12 years old and have totally forgotten about they're training that they did last year and are on their way out of the school

Clarissa closes her locker and turns to her friend "hey melody can I borrow your sweater I'm cold!"
Melody sighs in annoyance as she takes out her sweater from her backpack "why didn't you bring a sweater? You know how cheap this school is when it comes to fixing the A.C." She puts her hand out with her sweater in hand. Clarissa Takes the sweater from melody and puts it on, "I know! I know! I overslept and forgot my swea-" she stopped walking and drops her backpack.

Jessica and Melody turned around. "uh oh. I know that look. Where is the boy? " Jessica said as she looked around for the guy Clarissa is staring at
Melody looks outside the window "oh! found him! he is outside sitting. The one playing the guitar."

"oh! I think- I think I'm in love!" Clarissa knees gave out making her fall on jessica, making her hold on to her "oof! Your heavy! How much do you eat!?" She gets back up and looks out the window.
"I must know who he is!"  Jessica straightens herself and  says, "Dude! You say that everytime you see a cute guy!" Clarissa throws her stuff at Jessica and bolts outside to introduces herself.  "Oh Clarissa" Melody said to herself as Jessica only stood there holding on to clarissa's things. "Yeah...sure I'll hold your stuff. No problem" she said sarcastically.

As she got there she sat next to the guy "hi my name is Clarissa and I was wondering.... are you new here?" The boy looked up from his guitar "um yeah I am. My name is Damond. I just got here."
Clarissa started playing with her hair, "oh well how about we get coffee and I'll show you around?"
Before Damond could answer, Suddenly a Girl with blond hair came up to them and grabs Damond's arm to pull him closer to her, " excuse me! Clarissa! But Damond is hanging out with me today!" "oh yeah I forgot. Sorry Clarissa." "oh it's you....Lyra... well I was just introducing myself. Cause he's new and all." Clarissa walks away with a disappointing look on her face.

She walks away and passes by her friends and sits on the bench outside and her friends sat next to her
"ugh! Can you believe her! She is always there when I meet a cute guy! Ugh! I wish I could just punch her in the face with a chair!"

"oh c'mon Clarissa there are other boys you'll get in love with." Melody says as she put her hand on her shoulder for comfort. "yeah it's not like your gonna stay with him forever since your crazy everytime you meet a cute boy." Jessica says as she giggles at Clarissa's  craziness and she just glares at her.
"Don't give me that look! You know it's true!"
She defended herself while she throws her stuff back at Clarissa as Melody laughs.

the floor suddenly opens and the girls fall in, "Ahhhhhhhhhh!" They land on a couch "oof!"
In front of them, they see Jerry sitting on his desk.
"hello girls it's nice to see you three again."
Melody sits up, "oh hey! Long time no see"
Clarissa stands up and dusts herself "uh Jerry what are we doing here?"

"did you forget about our deal Clarissa?"
Melody looks at Clarissa "yeah Clarissa, don't you remember how last year we made a deal that he let us think about if we want to become a spy or not."
Clarissa remembers "..oh right. Ugh!"

"so?? What do you girls think? Will you become a spy or not?"

Melody stood up "I'm in."

Clarissa stood there thinking "I'm not sure yet"

Jessica was still sitting down "um... me too, I'm not sure."

"oh come on girls. I gave you a year!"

"I..I guess so. It's not like I have anything better to do" she slowly slouches on the couch. Clarissa crosses her arms "ugh! fine! I'll do it!"

"it settled then. Cause I need you girls to be undercover as musicians."

Clarissa eyes widen "whoa! Really! Awesome!" Jessica sits up "huh?!"

Behind jerry, a screen turned on and shows a a boy with brown hair and brown eyes "you girls are gonna work with a famous pop star name Ricky Matthew. He has made one album and already had tons of fans. And I need you girls to go undercover as musicians to see what it is that makes him so famous and why is fans go crazy. Your band name will be called 'the spies' ."

"that's a weird name." Melody commented
"It is a terrible name" Clarissa added

Jerry looked at them "I made it up. "

Clarissa and Melody felt guilty "oh"
I'm gonna stop here hehehe the next part will come up soon.

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