Challenge #1

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Jessica: *takes a deep breath* okay. I'm ready.

"Alright 😏 ready.... get set... GO!"

Jessica: *she started running through the streets hiding from the ninjas**pant**pant*! It's too far.... but I have to try!


Jessica:huh!? *she looks up and see three of the ninjas on top of the building looking down at her*

Ninja#1: There she is!

Ninja#2: get her!

Jessica: ahhh! *she runs*

*as she runs she sees four more ninjas up ahead with swords*

Jessica: oh snap!
*she grabs a piece of metal from a ladder and uses it to defend herself* come at me!

*as they ran after her and attacked she used the metal to smack them in the face to knock them down*

Jessica: phew! That was close!

"10 more minutes"

Jessica: what!? I'm Not even halfway there! Ugh!
*she started to run faster and as she was running something sharp suddenly fell from the sky and hurt her foot making her fall* ahhhh! What the heck!! Where did that comes from!? *she looks up and sees all the ninjas surrounding her* oh no... 😨

"Game over..."

*he snaps his fingers and they teleported to a room with table and lots of weapons*

Jessica: huh? W-what? Where am I?
*she tried to get up but realizes she was strapped Into the table* what's going on!?

"Like I said. When you lose I get to torture you"

Jessica: b-but you said after I'm done with the 5 challenges!

"I said when you lose I get to torture you😏"

Jessica: *whines* aw....*breathing heavily*. Let's starts over! Please! Oh wait! I got an idea!

"If your thinking on using your powers go ahead. You won't be able to fly out of here. I took your powers away*

Jessica: 😖😖

"Ok let's see...*he snaps his fingers and two needles appeared*"

Jessica: uuhhh wha-what are you going to do with t-those?

"Oh I got an's a perfect way to make you suffer!"

Jessica:*gulps* 😰

*the demon pushes a button that made the table go down*

Jessica: w-what are y-you d-d-doing?

"You'll see"

*when the table was low enough he grabs the needles and nails them into jessica feet*

Jessica:*as he was doing that she screams in pain* ahhhhh!! 😰 s-stop!!

"I'm not finished yet"

Jessica: 😭

*he grabs wires and attached them to the nails that were on Jessica's feet*

Jessica: *sniffs* now what!?


*as he attached them he turns around and he shows Jessica an on and off switch*

Jessica: 😳 oh no! Please!!! Don't electrocute me!! I've been electrocuted too many times ! 😰

"*evil laughter*"

*he switches it to on and electricity went through jessica*


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