December 2015

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*Saturday December 20, 2015*

*at woohp*

Jerry: enjoying the Christmas party girls?

Melody: yup!

Brittany: there's food!!

Clarissa: ok I hope no one attacks anybody today. Especially you Brittany.

Brittany: why me?

Melody: jessica was attacked the last time and she was eating a lot of food that time too so you just reminded Clarissa of her.

Brittany: oh.

Nim: im gonna go get some punch. It's delicious!
*as she walks to the table she see Martin eating* why are you here by yourself?

Martin: huh? Oh! There's food! 🍴

Nim: hehe yeah I know. You wanna join us?

Martin: sure..

*they walked up to the girls*

Brittany: oh hi Martin! *gasps* is that sushi!?

Martin: yeah..

Brittany: are there still some left!?

Martin: yeah it's by that table over there by Jerry's assistant.

Brittany: brb!!! *she runs to the table*

Melody:*giggles* oh Brittany! Her and her food!

Clarissa: how is she not fat!?

Nim: she is a spy Clarissa. As in she works out a lot.

Clarissa: right.

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