Woohp under attack!

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Melody: 😰 *she sends a message to Clarissa*

"Sorry! I was on a mission! Jerry's is out arresting the robbers! Dean and I are here! Where are you!? How's Jessica!!!?"


Melody: okay I texted her back asking where she is.

Dean: okay. So what do we do?

Melody: right now.. I have no idea! I don't know who's attacking woohp! Or how many baddies there are! *she started pacing back in fourth*

Dean: melody! Calm down!

Melody: sorry.... it's been a while since woohp has been attacked..

Dean: what do you mean? Woohp is a spy agency. Which means spies stopping bad guy that leads to enemies which also leads to revenge. So.... I'm pretty sure that woohp had been under attack before.

Melody: yes that's true but ever since my friend had her ghost powers... it doesn't happen very often.


*both Dean and Melody jumped at the noise*

Dean: *whispers* oh snap!

Melody: ssh! *whispers to dean* look through peephole!

*as they look thy see 3 men dressed in black and a mask walking around with guns*

?: huh that's weird I swear I heard voices over here.

??: well you though wrong!

???: come on guys let's go back. The boss wants us to take the hostages away.

??: *sigh*  I can't believe I'm saying this but I feel bad for shooting that girl in the stomach.

?: I heard that her mom hasn't seen her in 18 years!

???:get a move on!! We need to take the ghost girl away from her friends. I heard she got paralyzed. And can't really walk! So come on!

Melody: ggrrr 😠

Dean: *whispers* calm down melody.

Melody: *whisper yells* no! I'm not going to calm down! *she used her speed and ran out of the closet and defeated the three bad guys and pushed them inside the closet and locked them in*

Dean: wow!


Melody: oh! Got a message! It's from..... Clarissa.

"Ok good thing your here! I'm trying to find a place to hide! Where's? Brittany? Jessica is still in the bed. With Martin. I think Martin locked the door so no one can go in. As for Nim and Lily..... Nim is losing a lot of blood and I'm trying to reach Jessica's room to find something to help her with that!  Call Jerry!  Tell him what's going on! And as for Brittany...Don't say anything. We don't want her to get hurt like the rest of us. "

Melody:" Brittany went home. And I'll tell dean to call Jerry while I look for you and the rest"

"No! Go to Jessica's room! You'll probably get to Nim first so help Nim! I'll go and help Martin with Jessica"

Melody: ugh! Dean text Jerry what's going on.

Dean: already done!

Melody: okay. Now let's go with Jessica and Martin. *she grabs Deans hand and uses her speed to go in Jessica's room*

Martin: phew!!! I thought you were the bad guy!

Melody: where's Nim!?

Martin: in the bathroom!

Melody: okay I'll take her to the hospital. *she put Nim on a bed with wheels and took her and lily to the hospital*

Jessica: I hope she'll be alright.

Dean: okay do you guys know who's behind all this?

Jessica: no...we just heard the alarms go off and Clarissa, lily and Nim came running in here.

Martin: yeah and 2 people burst in the room with these big huge guns!

Jessica: Nim went after one of them but he shot her right in he stomach so Clarissa pushed them out of the room and took them out and for some reason she hasn't come back.

Martin: yeah and lily took Nim in the bathroom to see if she can find anything to stop the bleeding.

Dean: so Clarissa hasn't come back?

Jessica: no.


Martin: what was that?

Dean: who knows.
*With Clarissa*

Clarissa:"okay I need to find out who's behind all this before anything else happens to my friends."

*phone dings*

Clarissa:" oh it's melody"

"I took Nim in the Hospital. The nurse said that she going to be fine."

Clarissa:"oh phew!" *she texted Melody back*

"Oh thank goodness! Did you tell the others?"

Melody:"yes I did. And Jerry is here with me if your wondering. I'm trying not to scare him. He really wants to come but I'm trying to convince him not to."

Clarissa:"okay keep stalling him. We don't want him to get hurt either. Plus we still don't know who's behind all this so I'm trying to find out."

Melody:"okay good luck keep me updated"

Clarissa:"will do"

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