Return to school

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*Thursday April, 15 2015*

*at school cafeteria*

*at the lunch table*

Melody: so how's your first day back to school jessica?

Jessica: very awkward.

Nim: why awkward?

Jessica: everybody keeps staring at me. Like as if I killed someone or something.

Clarissa: they're staring at you because you've been a coma for four months and suddenly your back.

Jessica:*sigh* I guess

Lyra: so I guess the 'squad' is back.

Brittany: what do you want Lyra?

Lyra: nothing. Just wanted to see how jessica is doing....

Clarissa: why do you care?

Melody: she doesn't.

Lyra: hey I'll have you know that I know a lot of people- famous people who would LOVE to hang out with me.

Jessica: uh-huh sure...

Lyra: so I just wanted to invite her *points to Jessica* to my party.

Nim: a party? For what?

Clarissa: forget it Lyra.

Jessica: no thanks. I'm just gonna stay home most of the time until my headache stops. 😣

Lyra: whoa! Is that where you got hit?*looks at her head*

Jessica: oh....yeah. 😅 I have a huge cut.

Lyra:🤢 that looks gross.*runs off*

Brittany and Clarissa: 😂😂

Melody: finally she left!

??: your back!

Jessica:* puts her head down*

Lin: where have you been punk!

*nim, melody, Clarissa, and Brittany stand in between Jessica and lin*

Clarissa: leave her alone!

Brittany: she just woke up from a coma.

Lin: whatever...*walks away* I'll get you jessica just wait.

Jessica: ugh!* rubs her Temples* my head is pounding.😣

Melody: did you drink the medicine?

Jessica: yeah, this morning.

Nim: it must be wearing off.

Brittany: do you want to go to the nurse?

Jessica: for what? They don't do nothing. They'll just give me an ice pack. Or some crackers or something.

Clarissa: that's true

Jessica: I'll be fine. I'll just put my head down and close my eyes for a while.

*bell rings*

Jessica: ahhh!! Why!?

Melody: sorry Jessica, but I guess we have to go to class. See ya after school.

Nim: yeah bye

Brittany and Clarissa: Bye!

*in class*

Jessica: "ugh.. my head hurts......."

*someone slams on her desk*

Jessica: ah! Ow!😣

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