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Melissa's POV

Seth finally got dressed and we headed downstairs. We got to the living room to find Seth's father with his sister. Rachael asked, "What took you so long?"

I noticed Seth became slightly flushed at the question and had no clue what to say. I quickly intervened. "That was my fault, I'm sorry. We were talking. He wanted me to come down here and met ya'll but I was unsure as we just started dating only a few weeks ago. Meeting family is a big step. But as you can see, Seth won me over as I am down here."

Seth smiled at me as I saved him. He definitely seemed proud. "No problem." His father said. "I'm Ron by the way." He held out his hand.

"Melissa. Melissa McMillan but ya'll can call me, Lissa." I shook his dad's hand.

Then Rachael stuck her hand out. "Rachael." I shook her hand.

"It's so nice to met ya'll." I said, sincerely.

Ron noticed my accent. "Where are you from? You have a strong Southern accent."

"Georgia." I quickly said. "I grew up down there. Born and raised, thoroughbred, country girl."

"That's different." Rachael looked at Seth. I knew what she meant. Seth never dated a girl like me before.

"What can I say, her Southern charms reeled me in." Then he said to all of us, "Why don't we sit down."

We all moved to the couch and sat down. Then Ron said to Seth, "So, Rachael said you cannot have dinner tonight with us."

"I already made plans with Lissa, dad." He said with a smile as he looked at me.

I felt a bit awkward. I didn't want to cause any issues. "Actually, we planned to go to a get together with my friends out in the desert. They really haven't seen me since Seth and I have started dating between me working and being here. So, they invited us out and I felt that we should go. Well, I can." Then I looked at Seth. "If you want to go to dinner with your family, that is."

Seth frowned at me. He wanted to be with me. He knew if I went to this party without him, I would go back to my place afterwards so I didn't disturb him. Ron quickly said, "That won't be necessary. I understand this part of the relationship. The honeymoon stage, as it is called, where you don't want to be away from each other." Then looked at Seth. "But tomorrow, can I expect you for dinner?"

Seth nodded as he was relieved. "Yeah, I'll be there."

Then Ron looked at me and asked with a smile. "Will you grace us with your presences?"

I smiled and shook my head. "I would love to but I can't. I have meetings tomorrow afternoon and pretty sure I won't be done till late. Then I have a flight early the following day. I got to fly out to London for more appearances. I will be gone for a few days."

I felt Seth look at me as I didn't tell him but I didn't look over at him as I knew he would be unhappy with me as I never got around to telling him. Ron then smiled. "Maybe another time."

"I would love that." I smiled back at him.

We sat and talked with them a little while longer. They finally decided to head out after we talked for a few hours. We walked them to the door and we said our goodbyes. Ron hugged me, which surprised me but I returned it. "Nice to met you, Lissa."

We pulled away. "You too, Ron." I smiled.

Then Ron went to Seth and said, "Son, I better see you at dinner tomorrow."

Seth smiled and nodded. "You will. I promise."

Then Ron said, quietly, "And she is a pretty one, Seth."

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