Swing and Miss

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Seth's POV

It's been a few days now since I left our home. I crashed at my sister's after the boys left. I didn't want them to be confused with me there while they stayed there. So after my sister returned from dropping them off, I went over there. I stayed in a spare bedroom and it sucked. I missed my kids. I missed Lissa. My nieces would come in the room I stayed in, in the morning, to wake me up but it wasn't the same. It actually made me miss my boys more. After my nieces came in and jumped on the bed to wake me up. I got up. They ran out of the room when I woke up as they knew I was a grump in the morning. I moaned out as I wanted to sleep. I looked at my phone and saw a text from Lissa. 'The boys want to see you.'

A small smile appeared on my face. I texted back. 'I can come over in a few hours.'

I put down my phone as I only wanted to be home. Christmas was coming soon and I hated the thought of not being with them for Christmas. I knew Lissa would never keep them from me, especially on Christmas but if I wasn't home by then, I knew it wouldn't be the same. Then another texted went through. 'Okay. Sounds like a plan.'

I put my phone down after reading it and got up. I groggily walked down the stairs and was tired. I couldn't sleep very well as I hated not sleeping next to my woman. I got to the kitchen and found my nieces eating. I smiled and said, "Morning girls. Thanks for the wake up."

They both chuckled. Then they said, "Morning, Uncle Seth."

I quickly went to get me some coffee as I was tired. I usually hated coffee but I was really tired still. Days without proper sleep could do that to someone. Just then, Rachael walked in and said, "Hey, Seth. Can you come in here?"

"Yeah." I said. "Just give me a minute."

She nodded and moved back out. I made my coffee and took the mug with me as I walked into the living room. Once I walked in, I saw my father. I was instantly unhappy. I knew Rachael was up to something. I groaned. "Really, Rachael?"

"Look, I am worried about you. I called dad cause I didn't know what else to do." She said to me.

I looked at her, angrily. Then my dad said, "Seth, sit down."

I did as I was told but still wasn't happy about it. Once I sat down, I quickly said, "Dad, look, what is going on between Lissa and I is between us. I don't..."

He interrupted me, "Son, you are going to just shut your mouth and listen to me." I nodded as I remained quiet as I knew my father meant business when he got stern. He looked at me and asked, "What is going on with you, son?"

"Dad, this is just getting blown out of proportion." I said to him.

"No, I understand why Lissa asked you to leave. She was hurt. To her, she is the only woman who should catch you attention. And she is right, she should. But your eyes wondered. Now you may not have acted on it or did anything but just the simple fact that she knows you have feelings for another woman is betrayal enough for her. She feels betrayed. Do you understand that?"

"I do." I only said as I felt guilty.

"Then you need to leave your feelings at the door when it comes to Charlize. Does Charlize even know?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No, I wasn't stupid enough to tell her. I knew that one nothing would come of this and two I didn't want to screw up what I had at home. But I did that anyways."

"Damn, right, you did!" My father sounded angry. "I was married to your mother for a long time and I not once allowed myself to develop any feelings for anyone else, friend or not. Cause I loved your mother and wanted to be with only her. No other woman compared to her. That is how you are suppose to feel about your wife."

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