A Big Day

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Seth's POV

Summer was ending and Cindy's wedding was coming soon. Lissa was unbearable as she was moody as hell. I kept reminding myself it was just the hormones. So, when she yelled at me, I took it. Sometimes she got out of hand and I couldn't help but to yell back. I always apologized afterwards cause she end up crying. I hated to see her like that. She would always cry worse and tell me how she was sorry as well. That she couldn't control it, she was just hormonal. I understood. I still loved her. I was trying to make the best of the situation as this was the first time I had been around a pregnant woman. Hell, my sister being pregnant, I avoided her like the plague as I seen her blow up a few times. But I couldn't avoid Lissa. We also found out we got the house we put an offer on. We got moved in quickly and settled. The house was much bigger then Lissa's. I had already sold my house as I mostly stayed with Lissa anyways. Now we were working on Lissa's house to be sold. Everything was a little much. But I knew the end result would make up for it all. We even had the 20 week appointment. They asked if we wanted to know the sex of the baby, which prior to the appointment, we talked about. Lissa wanted to know. But I wanted to wait. I like the element of surprise. She wasn't happy about it but she agreed. Even though Lissa and I were on shaky ground, I still was happy. I knew this was temporary. So, I kept an upbeat mood about it. I had also finished my movie so I was home more. I was happy to be with my family. I came home to find Lissa was wearing her bridesmaid dress as the wedding was only weeks away. Cindy was there too to see how it fit since they had to get a different size since Lissa belly grew with her pregnancy. I was stunned on how beautiful she looked. She saw me and looked unhappy. I asked, "What's wrong?"

"I'm fat, Seth. I'm going to be a whale at her wedding." She looked to be on the verge of tears.

Cindy quickly said, "Lissa, you are pregnant. You look beautiful."

I smiled and jumped in, "Cindy is right. You are gorgeous." I moved over to her as my words or Cindy's didn't seem to help. I put my arms around her. "You're absolutely radiant, love."

I saw her give a small smile. I succeed in making her feel better. Then Cindy noticed the time. "Shit. I gotta go. I have a meeting with the wedding planner. Just a few lose ends to cover."

She walked over to us and gave Lissa a hug as well as myself. "You look beautiful, sweetie. I can't wait till you are up there with me. I am so happy you are my maid of honor." She told Lissa.

Lissa smiled. "Me too. I just wish I wasn't pregnant for the wedding."

"Oh, hush. Just another member of our family will be there." She said sweetly as she touched Lissa's swollen belly. "It's almost perfect actually."

I smiled as I noticed Lissa smiling. "Thanks, Cindy."

Cindy gave her a small kiss on the cheek and let go of her belly. "Okay, chick, I will see you later."

We said goodbye to her as she moved out. Then Lissa moved over to the mirror and looked at herself through the mirror. She frowned as she looked at herself in the dress. I moved over and wrapped my arms around her. "Baby, you may not see it, but I really do think you look beautiful."

She leaned against me and said, "I'm so glad we are getting married after this baby is born. I cannot be big during our wedding."

I then said, "About that, I have been wanting to talk to you about us getting married. I really don't want to wait till the baby is born to get married."

She turned to me, almost stunned. "No way! I am not going to be a fat, prego woman at our wedding!" She was almost yelling at me.

"Well, I was thinking, why don't we just go to the courthouse and get married." I said.

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