Reckless Decision

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Melissa's POV

We were back in Georgia now. We pulled up to my mother's house and I just sat back in the car. I knew once we walked in there, I would lose it as my dad wouldn't be there. I didn't want to get out of the car. The children moved out quickly. Seth stayed back with me. "I know this is hard, baby, but we need to go inside." He told me.

"But I'm not ready to go in there and my dad not be there. Whenever I walked into in this home, my dad would be there. It's not going to be the same." I said in tears.

He reached over and grabbed me. He pulled me close to him and held me as I softly cried. I finally calmed my tears. We both moved out of the car. Seth walked up to the house next to me. We walked inside. The children were already with my family. As soon as my mother saw me, she walked over to me and hugged me tightly. I let lose again. I couldn't help it. Then Max walked over as he was there as well. He hugged me too. I noticed RJ wasn't around. I calmed myself again and asked, "Where is RJ?"

"He doesn't really want to be around people. He isn't doing so good." Max told me.

"He isn't the only one." I was crying again. I looked at my mother and asked, "Why would he do this? I don't understand."

She hugged me again as she cried as well. "I have no clue, hunny. I wish I knew."

The next couple days was hard on me. I would wake up each in the morning, half expecting my father to be in the kitchen, drinking his morning coffee. When he wasn't, I would just cry as reality set in. I could tell Seth had no clue what to do but was there for me. The day of the funeral came. The service was beautiful. He was lowered into the ground. After the wake at my mother's and people left, Max and I went to his stash of alcohol like we did when we were younger. We drank and I got quite drunk. I wanted the pain to go away. Max and I would reminisce about our father and share stories. Seth walked in and saw Max and my condition. He seemed unhappy. "Really, guys, now?"

"Oh, he sounds like dad." I laughed, drunkenly, as I looked at Max. He laughed with me. Seth walked over and took our glasses. I quickly got anger. "What the fuck is your problem?" I almost yelled.

"You are drunk, Lissa. The children don't need to see you like this. Your mother doesn't. What the fuck were you two thinking?" He seemed angry.

I reached for my glass and he moved it away from me. "Give it back, Seth!" I was pissed.

"No, you had enough." He said, sternly.

I pushed by him and said, angrily, "Go fuck yourself, MacFarlane."

I walked out of the room angrily. I got to the kitchen, I still wasn't near where I wanted to be. I saw the keys to our rental car and grabbed them. I walked out and took off. I knew I shouldn't be driving, but I didn't care at this point. I went and bought more liquor. I didn't want to go back to y mom's as I didn't want to have Seth lecture me more. I drove to the cemetery and walked over to my dad's new buried grave. I found a tree next to it and sat down against it. I opened the bottle of liquor and drank it straight from the bottle. After sometime of just sitting there, drinking, I heard Seth. "Jesus Christ, Lissa, you had me worried." I looked over at him as he walked up to me. "What the fuck were you thinking, driving in your condition. You could have gotten into an accident." I rolled my eyes and took another drink from the bottle. "Are you listening to me?" He was angry with me.

"Fuck off, Seth." I almost hissed.

"I don't like you like this, Lissa." He said, seemingly upset.

I looked at him and noticed a very scared look on his face as he saw I was being reckless. I got up and said, drunkenly, "I said fuck off."

I went to turn from him to walk away but he grabbed my arm and turned me back to him. "What has gotten into you. This isn't you. You are being stupid." He almost yelled.

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