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Melissa's POV

Everything felt like a bad dream. My ex husband was dead and my children lost their father. I had no clue what to do. I was at a lost. I was hurting myself. I may have fell out of love with him, but I did still love him as the father of my children. Especially the improvement he made before he left, he cared more about the boys and stop worrying about things that were done. I was so proud of him. But now he was gone. My kids finally got the father they deserved and then he died. This wasn't fair to them. They didn't deserve to lose their father like that. They didn't deserve to lose their father period. Seth was being amazing too as he took charge of the household as I felt so lost. Seth was helping a lot. I was so grateful to have him. KJ was still angry. KJ was fine with Seth but still wouldn't talk to me. He was angry with me. Like he blamed me for his father's death. I hurt more that my son wouldn't talk to me. But Seth kept reassuring me that it would past. Seth understood losing a parent as he lost his mother a few years back. But I never lost anyone so I didn't know how to understand the boys pain. Seth did and I think it made KJ and him bond even more especially since he understood the pain of losing a parent. I was glad they were but I hated that my own son wouldn't talk to me. It's been a couple days since I received the news about Kevin's death and I still felt numb. Like reality was not real. I got into bed as Seth was putting the boys to bed. After he got them in bed, he came into the bedroom and quickly changed. He got into bed with me. I was laying on my side and he rolled to his to looked at me. "How are you doing, baby?" He asked as he cupped my cheek.

"I still feel like this isn't real. That this is some horrible nightmare. Then I realized it isn't. I have to keep reminding myself that it isn't. This just sucks." I said, sadly.

"I know, baby. I know. But I am here, for you and for those boys." He said, sweetly.

"I know." I said, softly.

He moved in and took my lips, softly. I moved my hand to the back of his head and pulled him closer as I kissed him deeper. He knew what I wanted and pulled away. "Baby, no. Not now. Not with everything going on."

"But I need this. I am so done with feeling numb. I want to feel something else for once. Even briefly. I need you." My voice shook as I was on the verge of tears.

He looked at me so unsure and I could see sadness in his eyes as I know he heard my voice. It bothered him when I was like this. I knew that. "Baby, it just doesn't seem right."

"Please." I pleaded. A tear rolled down my cheek. "Please, just make it go away for a little bit. I can't keep feeling like this." My voice broke.

I saw it in his eyes, it yanked at his heart strings. I just moved closer to him and took his lips again. He didn't pull away. He slowly returned the kiss with just as much passion as I had. I saw he was trying to make me feel better. He kissed me as he slowly pushed me back on the bed. His body moved over mine. His hands are instantly on my body. My hands went to touching his body. He was in between my legs and slowly grind into me. Causing friction. I moaned. I wanted so much more. He slowly undressed me as he showed my body the attention it craved. His lips were on my body, raining small, sweet kisses all over it. His hands moved over it, feeling every inch of my body. I was lost in it all. I was forgetting for a little bit about my pain. He got me finally undressed and his lips returned to mine. His hand moved south and his finger quickly pushed through my folds. He worked me as he kissed me. I moaned against his lips and it felt so good. I was so lost in what he was doing. I felt him pump his digit inside me and I broke the kiss as I slightly moaned out. Seth was breathing heavily. I could tell it turned him on when he was working me like that. He loved to watch me moan and grasp for him. To pull at him and begging for more was such a turn on for him. I opened my eyes as I saw Seth looking at me with so much lust. I breathed out, "I'm so close, Seth."

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