One Final Decision

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Melissa's POV

We enjoyed the next few days, we went on a few hikes, which Seth bitched about and I just poked fun at him. I enjoyed torturing him a bit. But I noticed he did enjoy the nature, the outdoors. I even convinced him to fish on the lake. It was quite hilarious him trying to bait a hook. I couldn't help it but to just let him try. I sat back as I already baited mine and had my cast out in the water. Seth was still struggling to get the worm on the hook. After a few more minutes, I finally decided to help. "Oh, give me that already. It was funny at first but now it is getting sad." I cracked.

He frowned at me and said, "I have never done this. I mean, those things are disgusting and the moved around way to much. How..."

He was cut off but watching me within seconds bait the hook. He was stunned. "How in the world did you do that so fast?"

I just smiled. "Years of practice."

He went to cast his line out and failed miserably. I laughed at this. Then I said as I took his rod, "For Christ sakes, Seth. Let me show you how to do it." I stood up and reeled it back in. Then I looked at him. "Come on, you need to learn." He stood up and I gave him the rod. Then I moved behind him and put my hand over his and his thumb over his. "You have to feel it out when it is perfect. Just swing." I moved Seth hand to swing the rod over us. "And cast." I said as I pushed his thumb down so it would cast the line out.

We watched as it went out a few yards. "Not so hard." He admitted. Then he looked at me as he sat back down on his seat with his pole and sat back down in mine. "I feel like I am meeting another side of you."

"You are." I said with a smile. "You are finally meeting the country girl. Don't have many places to do this out in LA and I do not like to deep sea fish. But here, it's more my element. Hell, I use to go hunting too." He frowned at this and I laughed as I knew he was against it. "You married a Southern girl, Seth, what did you expect." I told him.

"Yeah, but if I would have known you killed animal for sport, I might have objected." He joked.

I just smiled. "Well, get over it. Cause when we move back to Georgia, I plan on doing it again. I do miss it and I don't exactly do it for sport, well, I do, but I am not wasteful with it. I do use what I kill. I mostly hunted deer and I would use their meat to eat. Like deer meat is so good. Oh, and deer jerky, so freaking good."

"I feel like I am learning a new side to you." He said to me. Then he quickly picked up what I said about going hunting again. "Wait, if you plan on going hunting again, that means you plan on owning guns. Lissa, you know how I feel about that."

"I know." I said with a smile as I loved that we were so different. "I already thought of that, I promise, I will not bring a gun into the house." He frowned as he still didn't like it. Then I said, jokingly, "Maybe I can convince you to go one time with me."

"The hell you will." He quickly said.

I just laughed as I knew he would respond that way. "Don't worry about the gun thing anyways. I rather hunt with a bow and arrow anyways."

"Who the hell are you?" He cracked.

I laughed again. "Still the same girl, Seth. Just finally seeing all of me as we are my element."

"I see this." He said to me. I laid my head back as I soaked up some sun and relaxed. I heard Seth sigh loudly. "What do we do now?"

"Wait, Seth. This is about patience. Relax, enjoy nature." I told him. "The fish should start biting soon."

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